Claude Debussy

ID: 1162
Key: N/A
Year: 1890
Level: 8
Period: Impressionism
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Forum posts about this piece:

Just plugging some random pieces by pencilart3
Note: please don't "quote" these videos as it will make the page try to load too many videos and make the page freeze up. Thanks :) The first one is a delightful singing melody...

debussy sheet needed by steinwayargentina
Hello I´m just looking for Debussy Ballade. does anyone have...

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Ballade by Claude Debussy. Sheet music and recordings of thousands of piano pieces by Claude Debussy and many other famous composers to view in your digital device, print out or listen to.
Ballade - is a piece by the impressionism composer Claude Debussy.
The composition was first published in 1890 and is included in Miscellaneous pieces by Debussy.