Hey I'm a 14 year old guy who's played since the age of 6 (not that long). I live in Hockessin, DE. I actually enjoy playing and I have a really good teacher.I won 1st in the MTNA Delaware contest and am leaving for the Eastern Division competition tomorrow I don't like grading levels to pieces...After I lose the blasted MTNA competiion (i wont do it on purpose, tho) I will work on the Ravel Sonatine (movements 2&3, already learned 1), Beethoven Sonata Op.2, and some other stuff.I play the clarinet for the school band.I always wanted to play the F-I impromptu, but I didnt know what it was called until my teacher gave that piece to another student. Hopefully La Campanella wont be taken from me!
Hi y'all, I am form the USA. The Sounthern part though where everyone talks southern and people go muddin' on Friday night in their trucks and 4 whellers, or ride on car hoods draged by a 4 wheeler (it's lots of fun). I am 16 and I have been playing ever since I was 3. I stoped a couple of years ago 'cause I hated it, but then I fell deeply in love with it. So, I started back up two years ago. Well, nice to meet all of y'all. See ya!Southern by the Grace of God,cowgirl
lol Alex Do your parents play piano? I think it'll be an ideal thing, Chinese technique and Austrian musicality..... =)
hi, you all smell
What I wouldn't give to spend an afternoon with Bernhard! Miles and money make that impossible I am sure.
No, but you are right, it would be fun. I collect all other kinds, my house is full of them. I live in the desert of California, so penguins wouldn't like it! I saw real penguins at Sea World, and I even got to touch one. They just feel like cold birds!
Alex, I know this is far off topic, but anywho - One of my life goals is to get to Anartica and see them. It is nice in the movies (March of the Penguin), but to actually be there would be incredible. I don't travel much outside the US though. Not famous.
They weren't puppets.
I az forwarded your post to President Bliar and the security forces.
seriously, though, wouldn't you like a world at peace?
Not really. Wars are interesting.