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I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
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Topic: I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
(Read 4892 times)
PS Silver Member
Posts: 24
I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
on: November 04, 2005, 03:23:44 PM
Bluthner are not easy to find in Paris but it seems they are starting a show room. Very few instruments at this stage (arriving one by one). In the next future they are supposed to have all grands and uprights in exhibition.
As we can read so many compliments about Bluthner on this site I was eager to test them and compare with my recently purchased 1981 Hambourg Steinway B .
I played a Model 4 just received from Leipzig. A very nice instrument. Nice Renner action, nice keyboard, singing treble and warm medium. Nonetheles the bass was lacking power and was unable to roar. Model 4 is the same size as Model B and thirty percent cheaper in Paris.
Everything considered Hambourg B sounds better to me and the two instruments are not quite in the same league : much better bass (more defined and powerful) sounding warmer and deeper, more subtleties in the medium and treble. And Steinway has better projection (something I don't really need in my home but can interest some other people). I didn't make much difference with the action, both are good and both are Renner even if they probably have different specifications.
I was told to try Model 2, a bigger instrument with more bass. I am sure Model 2 will be more in line with my expectations...
I would be very happy to live with Bluthner Model 4 if I had no other option, it is an excellent instrument. But I was pleased to check by myself that all the Steinway bashing on this site is just plain nonsense.
Regarding Irmler, they told me these are manufactured in China and prepped in Germany. They had two uprights, good for their price but quite ordinary.
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Re: I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
Reply #1 on: November 05, 2005, 04:32:14 AM
Dear Serge,
I am glad you got to play a Bluthner. I hope the instrument you played was well preped, so that you would not get a false first impression.
The Bluthners I have played are not weak on the bass at all, although I have to readily concede that they were extremely well prepped. My understanding is that they come a bit thin out of the box, but fortunately all the ones I have played had a very present singing warm bass. They are not a roaring piano so if you want to play a lot of Prokofiev you may want to look for a Mason. On the other hand, if Schubert, Brahms or Debussy are on the menu, I find Bluthner very rewarding.
The Bluthner will punish you if you bang it.
Now, your comment on the Irmler, I take exception with. If you played a vertical piano, those are known in America as Breitman, and are an entry-level product (I have also heard about a 164 cm 1/4 cue, but have never played one).
I would be curious to hear from you whether they had what over there I think they call Irmler - Europe, which are made in Poland and come in medium and large (182 cm and 227 or 222 cm, not sure). These Polish pianos can be made to sound very very very nice. I have one (222) and love it (I have been practicing Mozart 415 this week and having lots of fun).
Cheers from across the pond,
Money does not make happiness, but it can buy you a piano.
PS Silver Member
Posts: 24
Re: I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 08:02:58 AM
Hi Iumonito,
Thank you for your comments. The Bluthner I have tried can probably be bettered in the bass with was rather discreet. I am eager to try Model 2 which will probably be more in the range of Hambourg B.
I don't play any Prokofiev and a roaring piano is not my first preoccupation. I found Bluthner Model 4 excellent with Mozart , Bach, and Schubert but Brahms definitely needs the sensuality of a better bass. I played Brahms Rhapsodie op 79 n°2 and wasn't able to make much out of it. Bluthner sounded to me very classical, very elegant but somewhat unidimentional. Hambourg B is more versatile, soft and velvety if you want it this way and overwhelming when you are going for strong feelings.
Hambourg B is also more difficult to play because you must work more on controlling your sound. If you bang it, it will punish you much more than the Bluthner !!!!
Regarding Irmler, I asked for 227 and I was curious to play it as I have been reading you and know how much you love your piano. Unfortunately, Bluthner is starting in France and they don't plan to have it in the show room where the space is very limited.
If you hear of any place where they have it in Europe just keep me informed ( I have no plans to travel to Germany)
Al the best and keep enjoying your Irmler.
PS Silver Member
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Posts: 190
Re: I've tried Bluthner Model 4 for the first time !
Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 10:15:33 AM
Bluthner, always decent! Very dreamy sounding if you get the right type.
~ ~
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