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Topic: Snap out of it!!!  (Read 1760 times)

Offline csharp_minor

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Snap out of it!!!
on: November 07, 2008, 03:08:33 PM
Hey I was just wondering does this happen to any other people on here?

How does one control their emotions, so they don't zone out too much when playing a piece they really love. I find that when I get to a partially beautiful section in a piece I 'zone out' ( because the music sounds so nice) and forget what to do and then make a mistake >:(.

How do you cope with paying a piece you have a strong emotional attachment too, so you can play it well, and still add feeling into it.

Also what do you other pianists do if your in the middle of a piece and get an itch. I seem to have to stop when playing to itch my face or leg... its like my body does it on purpose to annoy me! lol :-X

I always wanted to ask that qusestion - so funny!!!!!! ;D

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Offline gyzzzmo

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Re: Snap out of it!!!
Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 04:37:21 PM
I dont know, i had that too when i was younger. Maybe its a puberty thing, try to concentrate more what you are doing, finish all notes and let the music guide you. Or else, wait a few years  :P

Offline db05

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Re: Snap out of it!!!
Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 04:41:03 PM
I have no problem with my strongs feelings except when I would close my eyes or look up. Just when I'm not looking at my hands, I hit wrong notes. So as long as I see my hands, I'm fine. As for the itch, I try to find a second to scratch and then go back like nothing happened. Usually that's just me getting nervous or excited. I would scratch my ears a lot.
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Offline gyzzzmo

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Re: Snap out of it!!!
Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 04:49:55 PM
Btw, if i have to perform in public i never have itches (thank god), i suppose i'm just too concentrated on music then. Any other (piano)moment i take my time for an extensive scratch.
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