I've just started to work on the middle section/movement of one of Grieg's lyric masterpieces 'Wedding Day at Troldhaugen' and I'm not totally clear on the harmonic structure.Here is what I can figure out myself. Its starts out in G with a 8, 7, 6 motif, making heavy use of Major 7ths, 6ths and suspended chords, giving it the modern/romantic/folksong feeling so common with Grieg lyric pieces. After passing through D for a few bars, it finishes on the resolution of Gsus4 chord, completing the first pass.We then move onto B major restating the motif/themes and passing through C#/F# major, in a similar fashion with the first pass and then back to G to develop the original motif with some lovely hand crossing and finishing the section/movement on on the same Gsus4 chord resolution. I get the G->B modulation - we are moving in 3rds, a common device for more modern pieces trying to escape the old tonic/dominant straight jacket. So I guess the structure could befirst passG D G (tonic/dominant/tonic) then modulate in 3rds and2nd passB F# B (tonic/dominant/tonic) and back to G, original tonic to finishBut they way I read it, we don't go through F# in the 2nd pass we go through C#.I suspect I have some errors in or am missing some depth in my analysis. Any views, comment ?Shaun