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Topic: Some help with Alkan and Prokofiev  (Read 2323 times)

Offline xtraheat

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Some help with Alkan and Prokofiev
on: December 08, 2010, 05:48:08 PM
Hi everyone, I am having trouble with a spot in the 2nd movment of Alkan's Sonata and a spot in Prokofiev's Op.2 no.1. First, in measure 34 of, what do you all think is the best fingering for bringing out the bottom note in the left hand? I'm currently using 5-3-2, and it is pretty easy to play up to speed, but really difficult to bring out the melody on the bottom. Also, https://imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/a/aa/IMSLP00422-Prokofiev_-_Four_Studies_Op2.pdf  in the part with thirds in the right hand and single notes in the left hand on the second page, would the best way to finger the thirds descending simply be: 54, 12, 12? Or should I try to do: 54,32,12? Thanks
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