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Topic: why do some posts never get answered?  (Read 2237 times)

Offline pianoplayer51

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why do some posts never get answered?
on: February 08, 2014, 07:49:50 PM
I have noticed that lots of people read some posts but nobody replies.   It puts people off posting again. 

Offline faulty_damper

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 08:32:52 PM
Reasons why I won't reply even if I can answer thoroughly:
1. poorly written
2. non-existing punctuation
3. lack of capitalization
4. TMI: too much information
5. other threads that answers the question(s)
6. does not need a reply, or too obscure/unknown to be discussed

About No. 5
Piano Forum is unique in that we've had/have members who've written a number of very insightful and thoughtful replies to almost every single important question that is asked ad nauseum.  It's kind of rude to jump onto a forum, ask the same question that three others have just asked, and expect to have the same kind of thoughtful replies.  If you just scrolled down, you'd see that your question has already been answered.  Thrice.

About Nos. 1-4
This is an online forum, not a casual conversation.  If you don't make an effort to communicate clearly, and make your questions clear, it may not be answered.  This is perhaps the biggest problem that a lot of newer/younger members are guilty of.  A thoughtfully worded question will receive more thoughtfully worded replies.  Also, don't bury your question under your autobiography unless it's interesting and directly relevant to the question.

Offline 1piano4joe

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #2 on: February 08, 2014, 08:43:53 PM
Hi pianoplayer51,

I was wondering the same thing myself. I have several unanswered posts. I have once or twice answered my own posts. This is more likely to happen if someone else expresses an interest and would like an answer to my question as well.

My posts are oftentimes unanswered just because I'm weird. I think and/or do things unconventionally. I often get accused of being too analytical. Bernhard would NEVER call me mentally lazy! That is for sure.

I have taken it upon myself to answer these. I search for them. However, I do not always have an answer and so can't answer them.

I feel this is a reciprocal arrangement. The more help I can give to as many users as possible then the more likely I am to receive a response back from someone even when I ask the most stupidest question. I wish more users practiced this.

Also, unanswered OLD posts are likely to get me scolded at for answering them. Ditto for ANSWERED OLD posts that I have something to contribute to. There is a Pianostreet Mafia policing the forums just waiting to pounce for all sorts of trivial transgressions.

There are some chronic whiners and complainers here too. Some heated discussions. Name calling. People with internet cajones who are just rude. So, why would anyone want to answer a post? Certainly not to be abused!

I say, "Hello" and address the user with his or her username. I do, see above. I say, "Thank You". I think I get more answered posts because of my relatively polite manner in spite of being slightly touched in the head. If more people were polite than there would logically be more responses and questions too, I might add.

I am very careful about my wording. Mostly, I try to avoid the second-person personal pronoun "YOU". This one little word lights the fuse for some of the walking time bombs in the world.

So, I personally exercise caution with who I respond to. Forum users have a reputation. Anyone can read your old posts. Some people are just nasty. A few I think have been banned. Some are just ignored.

Well that's all for now and THANK YOU pianoplayer51 for your excellent question!

Offline Bob

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 09:15:07 PM
Because Nils puts the mark of the beast on some and smotes them down, down into the depths of the forum.

When I don't know the answer.

I've seen a few where someone is asking for help learning something by ear. It's not a really a forum for that. I figure they can figure it out on their own or take lessons.  If they're just trying to learn something like that as a one off thing I'm doubting their going to stick with it.
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Offline gregh

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 11:19:41 AM
If I don't think I have anything useful to say, I might not say anything at all.

Offline m1469

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 02:12:07 AM
Sometimes I have too much to say, sometimes not enough.
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Offline joplinfreak

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 05:27:45 AM
I am not answering your post! LOL

Offline pianoplayer51

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #7 on: February 11, 2014, 08:24:00 AM

Offline ted

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #8 on: February 11, 2014, 09:23:07 AM
I only answer questions about music if I think I can help. My knowledge of classical playing is limited and the only topics I am capable of any substantial contribution on are improvisation and ragtime. This severely restricts my possibilities of useful response. I certainly post much less often than in the past, but that is just because I am much busier doing other things than before.

Many frequent types of question cannot be answered, for example the sort which begin "Am I ready to learn .....?" or even sillier, "Ought I to play ...ought I to do ..?". As if the piano police were likely to turn up at the door should a dubious chord be struck. I don't bother with those. Ones which involve opinions about "greatness" or something "versus" something else usually stir up pages of argument so I dodge those.

I guess most people who have been around a long time probably think much the same as I do.
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Offline brogers70

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #9 on: February 11, 2014, 12:58:13 PM
My experience has been that if you write a specific, well-formulated question, with enough information to allow someone to give an intelligent answer, and then give the thread a specific title, then I usually get some helpful replies.

But if you ask "what should I play next?" or "is it too late to be a professional?" or if you title your thread "Opinions?" then you may not get much useful feedback.

But, Pianoplayer51, those are just my general thoughts. I don't remember any of your specific posts, so this is not meant as a criticism of anything you yourself have posted.

Offline pianoplayer51

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #10 on: February 11, 2014, 02:17:44 PM
Well people have stopped responding to my blog thread now, despite my adding some more to it and trying to bump it up

Offline g_s_223

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #11 on: February 14, 2014, 01:06:58 AM
One category of posts often will get no replies: these posts are of the forms:
- Should I go to conservatoire A or music college B?
- What is the best music school in C city/state/country/world?
- Who is the best professor at D Uni?
- What's a good audition programme for [something]

Anyone who knows the answer to this sort of question is quite likely not prepared to disclose it in public, either because they themselves are aiming to gain admission, or they are already in one of the mentioned institutions and daren't comment for fear of teacher sanction. Also things change from year to year as staff move around, so any reply is quite likely to be out-of-date within a short time. Generally it would seem best for people looking for this sort of information to speak in person to those with recent direct experience. And of course, without knowing the OP's particular skills and interests, no-one can sensibly advise anyway.

Offline rmbarbosa

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #12 on: February 14, 2014, 10:34:13 PM
Personally, I like to help, but only if I`m sure I can help and I do know the subject of the post.
However, I never answer to a post when I feel it is not "logic".
For example: some guys who say someting like this: " hello, I`m a begginner, I began playing piano only 3 weeks ago and I do love Apassionata. Do you think I can learn and play it within one week?" (There`s one post with a question like this in this forum)
And I never answer to the "classic" question: Must I play Hanon and Czerny?  :D
The last but not the least: if there is already a good answer, I dont repeat the same. I`m not in the forum to have a lot of posts. Only to help when I can and to learn all I can learn from the other members.

Offline faulty_damper

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #13 on: February 15, 2014, 12:02:34 AM
Well people have stopped responding to my blog thread now, despite my adding some more to it and trying to bump it up

Don't be so impatient.  Just because people don't respond doesn't mean they don't read it.  If it's well-written, and the content is good, then it will be read.  If not, it won't.  What blog?

Offline Bob

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #14 on: February 15, 2014, 03:45:17 AM
Favorite new teacher quote -- "You found the only possible wrong answer."

Offline pianoplayer51

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #15 on: February 15, 2014, 08:01:58 PM
Don't be so impatient.  Just because people don't respond doesn't mean they don't read it.  If it's well-written, and the content is good, then it will be read.  If not, it won't.  What blog?

I have a blog with one completed post and one half written one

Offline minifingers

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Re: why do some posts never get answered?
Reply #16 on: February 19, 2014, 03:42:25 PM
surely it's like any other social gathering, you may listen to someone but if you don't feel like it's worth your while to answer for whatever reason then you won't. Also sometimes there isn't anything you have to say about it then there is little point in putting meaningless comments.

I think a lot of the ones that never get answered are variations on a theme that has been gone over so many times on the forum that people don't want to repeat themselves again, it may be new to the poster but I suppose many of you have been on here a while. Either that or the person comes across as annoying, confrontational or a one time poster who isn't going to be back again anyway. Or the title is intriguing but the contents are rather dull hence the views but no post. Sometimes someone answers their own question in their post so maybe people don't feel it needs an answer. Other than that sometimes the people who would answer aren't about or don't have the time to answer.
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