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Topic: Yundi Li  (Read 45293 times)

Offline chromatickler

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #50 on: November 26, 2004, 03:44:39 AM
Yundi li is good,but his technique isnt the best in the world. try arcadi volodos, he has trancendental technique

Volodos is good, but his technique isn't the best in the word. try Marc-Andre hamelin, he has the most transcedental technique ever in history of all keyboard instrument.
Try Vadim Rudenko  8)

i have as of yet only heard his infamous chopin etude 10/2 recording, his overall ability is still in question until i hear more from him

till then hamelin is king
The fact that he plays 10/2 faster than horowitz's played flight of the bumblebee should settle any question whatsoever. 8)

Offline rachlisztchopin

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #51 on: November 26, 2004, 05:04:04 AM
hm maybe i should buy more cds of hamelin  :-\

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #52 on: November 26, 2004, 05:29:44 AM
Yundi li is good,but his technique isnt the best in the world. try arcadi volodos, he has trancendental technique

Volodos is good, but his technique isn't the best in the word. try Marc-Andre hamelin, he has the most transcedental technique ever in history of all keyboard instrument.
Try Vadim Rudenko  8)

i have as of yet only heard his infamous chopin etude 10/2 recording, his overall ability is still in question until i hear more from him

till then hamelin is king
The fact that he plays 10/2 faster than horowitz's played flight of the bumblebee should settle any question whatsoever. 8)

This fact settles only one question--he plays 10/2 faster than Horowitz's played Flight of the Bumblebee. So what? As one of my professors used to say: "Always there is a fool who can play fast." Horowitz is one of the greatests artists, Rudenko has good fingers. Does it make him a great musician? His Rachmaninov is dull, his Beethoven is... hmmm... how to say it?..... stupid, his Chopin is more than doubtful. I'd never go to his concerts, although I'll always respect his 10/2.
He tried Tchaikowsky Competition twice. He was a student of Dorensky, who was a jury chairman, and even though, could not get higher than second place. This fact settles it all. I won't tell you what kind of scandal was in Moscow that he made even that high.

Offline galonia

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #53 on: November 26, 2004, 06:18:22 AM
And yea, he was a VERY VERY VERY commercialized icon in Asia (I am from Hong Kong), and half of the people who listen to him doesn't even know the music. They think he looks like a japanese TV drama star. It's quite sad, as he thinks the same thing too. And the company shapes him into this kind of Pop-star/Pianist thing.

People in HK are crazy - I was in HK a few months after Yundi Li had won the Chopin competition, and the media hype was insane - if you believed even half the media hype, you'd think Yundi Li is god or something.  I hope Yundi Li doesn't buy into it, coz believing this sort of hype can't be good for anyone (whether or not you are the subject of the hype).

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #54 on: November 26, 2004, 07:29:22 AM
Why is it that I am not able to find a few threads including this one from the front page? Can anybody explain? I discover this thread again after I clicked on someone's name to read  his posts.

I have detected a few fans of Lang Lang here.  Some will advertise Lang Lang, some will pretend to praise Yundi to show his/her genuineness while others are still using the old tactic in bashing Yundi's music to mislead others. Frantic people! I have know two cases when fans of Lang Lang had tried very hard to get close  to Yundi, for what purpose? My goodness! Fans of Lang Lang are wider spreaded than I have known.

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #55 on: November 26, 2004, 07:31:54 AM
The threads are put back to the front page again. Why?

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #56 on: November 26, 2004, 07:43:26 AM
And yea, he was a VERY VERY VERY commercialized icon in Asia (I am from Hong Kong), and half of the people who listen to him doesn't even know the music. They think he looks like a japanese TV drama star. It's quite sad, as he thinks the same thing too. And the company shapes him into this kind of Pop-star/Pianist thing.

People in HK are crazy - I was in HK a few months after Yundi Li had won the Chopin competition, and the media hype was insane - if you believed even half the media hype, you'd think Yundi Li is god or something.  I hope Yundi Li doesn't buy into it, coz believing this sort of hype can't be good for anyone (whether or not you are the subject of the hype).

This is an old tactic to bash Yundi's music. Is the intersection of one set that contains pianists with artistic playing and the other set that contains idols of fans necessarily a null set? One can be an artist and at the same time idol of other people. What do you think New York Times awarded Yundi Li's Liszt album for? For being an idol of other young fans?

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #57 on: November 26, 2004, 07:53:47 AM
I heard Wilhelm Backaus playing Chopin and it is an other story, an other culture, an other style.
Yund Li is only a commercial thing.

i agreed right up to your stupid comment about yundi being commercialised

I am confused. Does it mean that Julie agrees that Yundi Li is only a commercial thing?

Offline chromatickler

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #58 on: November 26, 2004, 08:47:47 AM
I heard Wilhelm Backaus playing Chopin and it is an other story, an other culture, an other style.
Yund Li is only a commercial thing.

i agreed right up to your stupid comment about yundi being commercialised

I am confused. Does it mean that Julie agrees that Yundi Li is only a commercial thing?
NO. It measn Julie strongly DISAGREES with that comment. thus why he called it "stupid".

Offline chromatickler

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #59 on: November 26, 2004, 08:50:23 AM
Yundi li is good,but his technique isnt the best in the world. try arcadi volodos, he has trancendental technique

Volodos is good, but his technique isn't the best in the word. try Marc-Andre hamelin, he has the most transcedental technique ever in history of all keyboard instrument.
Try Vadim Rudenko  8)

i have as of yet only heard his infamous chopin etude 10/2 recording, his overall ability is still in question until i hear more from him

till then hamelin is king
The fact that he plays 10/2 faster than horowitz's played flight of the bumblebee should settle any question whatsoever. 8)

This fact settles only one question--he plays 10/2 faster than Horowitz's played Flight of the Bumblebee. So what? As one of my professors used to say: "Always there is a fool who can play fast." Horowitz is one of the greatests artists, Rudenko has good fingers. Does it make him a great musician? His Rachmaninov is dull, his Beethoven is... hmmm... how to say it?..... stupid, his Chopin is more than doubtful. I'd never go to his concerts, although I'll always respect his 10/2.
He tried Tchaikowsky Competition twice. He was a student of Dorensky, who was a jury chairman, and even though, could not get higher than second place. This fact settles it all. I won't tell you what kind of scandal was in Moscow that he made even that high.

Offline galonia

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #60 on: November 26, 2004, 08:50:50 AM
And yea, he was a VERY VERY VERY commercialized icon in Asia (I am from Hong Kong), and half of the people who listen to him doesn't even know the music. They think he looks like a japanese TV drama star. It's quite sad, as he thinks the same thing too. And the company shapes him into this kind of Pop-star/Pianist thing.

People in HK are crazy - I was in HK a few months after Yundi Li had won the Chopin competition, and the media hype was insane - if you believed even half the media hype, you'd think Yundi Li is god or something.  I hope Yundi Li doesn't buy into it, coz believing this sort of hype can't be good for anyone (whether or not you are the subject of the hype).

This is an old tactic to bash Yundi's music. Is the intersection of one set that contains pianists with artistic playing and the other set that contains idols of fans necessarily a null set? One can be an artist and at the same time idol of other people. What do you think New York Times awarded Yundi Li's Liszt album for? For being an idol of other young fans?

I think perhaps you had better read more closely before getting riled up - I never made any comment about Yundi Li's music at all - my comment was about media hype, and people who buy into it.

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #61 on: November 26, 2004, 09:43:58 AM

But to be frank, his technique and musical idea deteroiate thru out years as I have obsevered. It's quite a dissapointment, as I was excepting him to bloom.

His recent chopin scherzo recording has somehow redeem a little bit of my trust to him.
But still, I don't think he cares about the music as much as he did before.

And yea, he was a VERY VERY VERY commercialized icon in Asia (I am from Hong Kong), and half of the people who listen to him doesn't even know the music. They think he looks like a japanese TV drama star. It's quite sad, as he thinks the same thing too. And the company shapes him into this kind of Pop-star/Pianist thing.

It's strange to say that Yundi's technique and musical idea deteroiate thru out years. Have you heard his Liszt album? Hasn't Yundi been praised overwhelmingly by many well known American music critics  recently? Hasn't his Liszt album won a prize from New York Times? It's said that if you have won a prize from New York Times, you are considered as an artist.

Another strange thing you have said is that "Yundi thinks the same thing too". On the contrary, Yundi had repeatedly said that he doesn't think that he looks like that Japanese film star and that he finds it amusing that people keep comparing his look with the Japanese drama star. Yundi had also indicated that he merely did what his recording company had wanted him to do when it comes to the promotional sale of his CD and the commercial tactic. There are things he doesn't like doing but he just got to do it. He said clearly in an interview in Hong Kong recently that he just doesn't have the control of the kind of things he has to do for the recording company. He also urged people to pay more attention to his music.

I thought using this kind of tactic to criticize Yundi is rather old fashion, it has been used too often for the past few years.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #62 on: November 26, 2004, 10:06:56 AM

People in HK are crazy - I was in HK a few months after Yundi Li had won the Chopin competition, and the media hype was insane - if you believed even half the media hype, you'd think Yundi Li is god or something.  I hope Yundi Li doesn't buy into it, coz believing this sort of hype can't be good for anyone (whether or not you are the subject of the hype).

I think perhaps you had better read more closely before getting riled up - I never made any comment about Yundi Li's music at all - my comment was about media hype, and people who buy into it.

I don't understand why people have to complain about the publicity given to a youngest winner of the prestigious Chopin competition after an absence of fifteen years of a first prize winner. There was just some  crowd gathering to see a winner, it was not as enthusiastic as a pop star mobbed by fans. It was nothing if you compare it with the way they mobbed the first Chinese astronaut when he went to Hong Kong. So, using the word 'God' to describe the situation is highly unnecessary.

Experienced classical music lovers  don't  believe any media hype, they know how to judge Yundi's music  simply by listening to it.

Offline steinwaymodeld

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #63 on: November 26, 2004, 05:04:50 PM
why do you like hamelin so much julie? is it because he plays alkan? I dont know if I should saying much because I only have heard his Alkan Concerto recording but I believe he plays it way to fast. Maybe that is the way it is supposed to be played, but hamelin is only famous for performing alkan if what my last piano teacher said is correct...."He's an Alkan Specialist"
Sorry if I am incorrect for I do not know much on the pianist.
By the way are their any videos of him playing Alkan...if so I would want to get one just to see.

He is not Alkan-specialist. Ronald Smith is Alkan-specialist.

Hamelin can play everything in piano literature and he keeps explorering and dig deeper.
That's why he is so respectable, too bad u can't see how great of a 'musician' he is.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

Offline steinwaymodeld

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #64 on: November 26, 2004, 05:14:17 PM

People in HK are crazy - I was in HK a few months after Yundi Li had won the Chopin competition, and the media hype was insane - if you believed even half the media hype, you'd think Yundi Li is god or something.  I hope Yundi Li doesn't buy into it, coz believing this sort of hype can't be good for anyone (whether or not you are the subject of the hype).

I think perhaps you had better read more closely before getting riled up - I never made any comment about Yundi Li's music at all - my comment was about media hype, and people who buy into it.

I don't understand why people have to complain about the publicity given to a youngest winner of the prestigious Chopin competition after an absence of fifteen years of a first prize winner. There was just some  crowd gathering to see a winner, it was not as enthusiastic as a pop star mobbed by fans. It was nothing if you compare it with the way they mobbed the first Chinese astronaut when he went to Hong Kong. So, using the word 'God' to describe the situation is highly unnecessary.

Experienced classical music lovers  don't  believe any media hype, they know how to judge Yundi's music  simply by listening to it.

Have u been to Hong Kong and realize how absurd that situation turned out to be?

He plays 4 hands with pop stars, he is called 'the prince of piano', some people called him 'greatest pianist alive', fans fainted over his appearance and he certainly enjoys it, so many people bought his CD and not listen to it.

ANd this kind of thing transists him from making serious music to a pop-star/pianist kind of thing, and his Grieg Concerto performance in HK is just horrifying... He plays so uncertainly, and it's like he lost every single bit of glory that he used to have. ANd people still waved about his performance.

OMG, you can't believe how ridicuolous this crowd is.

And I believe I have 2 times more matierals of Yundi Li than everyone here has. Yet, I sense a deteroiation in his technique and musical mind. DOn't get me wrong, I am not anti-Li or pro-Lang, I am neither like Li nor Lang. I am just someone loves music.

And I know that there are a lot of Li's fan here. ANd he did made some excellent CDs, but studio recording can be deceiving, If u can, try to get some live performance, u will be dissapointed.

And I can't believe someone called the La Roque (or Husum) performance he gave being 'as good as before'.

His Liszt Sonata back then was one of the best I have heard, now he is just struggling with notes and stupid phrasing, completely ruined the masterpiece. Is it because he has to played the same programme OVER AND OVER AND OVER again for 3 years? I don't know. What I certainly know that is, for people who say 'Yea, Li is as good as before' or 'Li is being commercialized wouldn't affect his playing', are just as blind as the people who think Lang Lang is the 'best, greatest Virtuoso alive'.

It's just simply absurd.

Try to get more materials before u speak.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #65 on: November 26, 2004, 06:14:28 PM
Have u been to Hong Kong and realize how absurd that situation turned out to be?

He plays 4 hands with pop stars, he is called 'the prince of piano', some people called him 'greatest pianist alive', fans fainted over his appearance and he certainly enjoys it, so many people bought his CD and not listen to it.

ANd this kind of thing transists him from making serious music to a pop-star/pianist kind of thing, and his Grieg Concerto performance in HK is just horrifying... He plays so uncertainly, and it's like he lost every single bit of glory that he used to have. ANd people still waved about his performance.

OMG, you can't believe how ridicuolous this crowd is.

And I believe I have 2 times more matierals of Yundi Li than everyone here has. Yet, I sense a deteroiation in his technique and musical mind. DOn't get me wrong, I am not anti-Li or pro-Lang, I am neither like Li nor Lang. I am just someone loves music.

And I know that there are a lot of Li's fan here. ANd he did made some excellent CDs, but studio recording can be deceiving, If u can, try to get some live performance, u will be dissapointed.

And I can't believe someone called the La Roque (or Husum) performance he gave being 'as good as before'.

His Liszt Sonata back then was one of the best I have heard, now he is just struggling with notes and stupid phrasing, completely ruined the masterpiece. Is it because he has to played the same programme OVER AND OVER AND OVER again for 3 years? I don't know. What I certainly know that is, for people who say 'Yea, Li is as good as before' or 'Li is being commercialized wouldn't affect his playing', are just as blind as the people who think Lang Lang is the 'best, greatest Virtuoso alive'.

It's just simply absurd.

Try to get more materials before u speak.

Where did you get the information that some people called him 'greatest pianist alive', fans fainted over his appearance and he certainly enjoys it? This is certainly the wildest thing I have ever heard. If what you said is true, the website dedicated to him would have mentioned it when that happened. This is just the tactic employed by Lang Lang fans to exaggerate the whole situation. They thought they could copy examples of Liszt when women fainted on seeing Liszt?

 There might be some people who just bought the CD without listening to it, but what has that got to do with Yundi's music? To prove that his music is not good enough? The way his  record company DG had  promoted Yundi has nothing to do with his music. Didn't DG advertise Lang Lang shamelessly as era of future classical music? Lang Lang even accompanied pop star singer Lee in the album of this pop singer and yet you don't see any criticism any where, but when Yundi Li played with pop singer at a party for fun, the Chinese websites attacked Yundi like hell. I had bad experiences dealing with these Yundi attackers in the past in the sense that those websites masters just deleted my posts and blocked my IP. Why is it that Yundi  was allowed to be abused by those people but no one is supposed to say anything for him?

I have heard Yundi's Grieg concerto recorded in Hong Kong (someone recorded it in the concert hall) and it is comparable to the one played by Lipatti. What you said is similar to what a Harvard university graduate had said. This person had written a few articles praising Lang Lang to sky high but attacked Yundi at the same time although he doesn't know much about classical music (his doctorate degree is in humanity subject, not music). What he wrote was sometimes  published in Asia magazine.  Quite a few Hong Kong writers haven't been kind towards Yundi at all, strange, isn't it? Luckily they have more or less stopped this kind of activities. Instead, you see them trying to seize opportunities to praise Lang Lang while praising Yundi after Yundi had won CD prize from New York Times.

Studio  recording could be deceiving, true, but have you heard Yundi playing in concert halls? Didn't you read what music critics had written that his Liszt sonata is even better played in concert halls? People who have paid attention to what is happening in the west won't be misled so easily by you.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #66 on: November 26, 2004, 07:21:12 PM
Why is it that I am not able to find a few threads including this one from the front page? Can anybody explain? I discover this thread again after I clicked on someone's name to read  his posts.

I have detected a few fans of Lang Lang here.  Some will advertise Lang Lang, some will pretend to praise Yundi to show his/her genuineness while others are still using the old tactic in bashing Yundi's music to mislead others. Frantic people! I have know two cases when fans of Lang Lang had tried very hard to get close  to Yundi, for what purpose? My goodness! Fans of Lang Lang are wider spreaded than I have known.

lol, are you serious?!?!

Offline steinwaymodeld

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #67 on: November 26, 2004, 07:26:27 PM
Have u been to Hong Kong and realize how absurd that situation turned out to be?

He plays 4 hands with pop stars, he is called 'the prince of piano', some people called him 'greatest pianist alive', fans fainted over his appearance and he certainly enjoys it, so many people bought his CD and not listen to it.

ANd this kind of thing transists him from making serious music to a pop-star/pianist kind of thing, and his Grieg Concerto performance in HK is just horrifying... He plays so uncertainly, and it's like he lost every single bit of glory that he used to have. ANd people still waved about his performance.

OMG, you can't believe how ridicuolous this crowd is.

And I believe I have 2 times more matierals of Yundi Li than everyone here has. Yet, I sense a deteroiation in his technique and musical mind. DOn't get me wrong, I am not anti-Li or pro-Lang, I am neither like Li nor Lang. I am just someone loves music.

And I know that there are a lot of Li's fan here. ANd he did made some excellent CDs, but studio recording can be deceiving, If u can, try to get some live performance, u will be dissapointed.

And I can't believe someone called the La Roque (or Husum) performance he gave being 'as good as before'.

His Liszt Sonata back then was one of the best I have heard, now he is just struggling with notes and stupid phrasing, completely ruined the masterpiece. Is it because he has to played the same programme OVER AND OVER AND OVER again for 3 years? I don't know. What I certainly know that is, for people who say 'Yea, Li is as good as before' or 'Li is being commercialized wouldn't affect his playing', are just as blind as the people who think Lang Lang is the 'best, greatest Virtuoso alive'.

It's just simply absurd.

Try to get more materials before u speak.

Where did you get the information that some people called him 'greatest pianist alive', fans fainted over his appearance and he certainly enjoys it? This is certainly the wildest thing I have ever heard. If what you said is true, the website dedicated to him would have mentioned it when that happened. This is just the tactic employed by Lang Lang fans to exaggerate the whole situation. They thought they could copy examples of Liszt when women fainted on seeing Liszt?

 There might be some people who just bought the CD without listening to it, but what has that got to do with Yundi's music? To prove that his music is not good enough? The way his  record company DG had  promoted Yundi has nothing to do with his music. Didn't DG advertise Lang Lang shamelessly as era of future classical music? Lang Lang even accompanied pop star singer Lee in the album of this pop singer and yet you don't see any criticism any where, but when Yundi Li played with pop singer at a party for fun, the Chinese websites attacked Yundi like ***. I had bad experiences dealing with these Yundi attackers in the past in the sense that those websites masters just deleted my posts and blocked my IP. Why is it that Yundi  was allowed to be abused by those people but no one is supposed to say anything for him?

I have heard Yundi's Grieg concerto recorded in Hong Kong (someone recorded it in the concert hall) and it is comparable to the one played by Lipatti. What you said is similar to what a Harvard university graduate had said. This person had written a few articles praising Lang Lang to sky high but attacked Yundi at the same time although he doesn't know much about classical music (his doctorate degree is in humanity subject, not music). What he wrote was sometimes  published in Asia magazine.  Quite a few Hong Kong writers haven't been kind towards Yundi at all, strange, isn't it? Luckily they have more or less stopped this kind of activities. Instead, you see them trying to seize opportunities to praise Lang Lang while praising Yundi after Yundi had won CD prize from New York Times.

Studio  recording could be deceiving, true, but have you heard Yundi playing in concert halls? Didn't you read what music critics had written that his Liszt sonata is even better played in concert halls? People who have paid attention to what is happening in the west won't be misled so easily by you.

As I mentioned before, I lived in HK, I think I have a more complete picture of what happened than u do.

And I almost take it as a insult that u think Li's Grieg Concerto is comparable to Lipatti's. Can't u hear all those uncertain moment in his music? Don't u think he should practice that piece more before he perform it in Hong Kong. If u think it's on the same level with Lipatti's legendary perforamcne then I think I have nothing to say to u.

Quite frankly, I like Li's recording 10 times better than Lang Lang.

Lang Lang is just a pianist sweeps thru all those concerto without brain, his Rach3 is so horrible that i have to put it way below my CD shelf. And he is now doing Rach2, Rach/paganin and performning Prokofiev 3rd and Bartok 2nd in the coming January in Chicago.

I own every single CDs that Li and Lang Lang put out, and I enjoy the majority of Li's CD. While LL's CDs are always a joke to me. (Especially the Carnegie Hall CD, the Schubert Wanderer Fantasy almost made me want to puke. It's just so 'greasy')

I feel dissapointed and bad about Li's tendency of technique and musicality. Yes, he is still putting out good CDs like the recent Chopin Scherzi which I enjoy the No.1-3 very much (not a big fan of his 4th) and his impromtus too.

overall, I think Li is a much better pianist but he has very little freedom on what he can perform, and he has to obey the record company in order to survive (remember the Vietnamess Chopin competition winner Dang Thai Son? He doesn't obey DG and he is now nobody) Lang lang is lucky, because he started out in American or in the western world, which the classical music audience are more mature and willing to listen to lesser-known music. So DG gives him more freedom as they know he will still sale even if he plays stuff by Rachmaninoff and Scriabin. But will it be the same for Li? NOOO! Li's career based in Asia, and it's Asian who knows Li the best, and he is more popular in Asia. And Asian classical music listener are lesser mature, they are expecting like 10 CD of Chopin , maybe occasionaly some Liszt or beethoven. So DG made Li play just those several pieces that he has been performning for 3 or more years. I meant, everyone will be tired of those piece after 3 years of continous performance, no matter how great those pieces are. And that's one of the reason why the marketing of the company can change the musical quality of a pianist.

ANd Lang Lang was right, he was very lucky and it's very rare of him to be so successful.

And what I hate about Lang Lang is he pays no attention to the 'tone-color', he jerks the notes so bad that it sounds like CD scratch (listen to his Don Juan)

While tone-color is Li's forte, I think his tone-color in the Ballade 4 and Grande Polonaise can be comparable to some of the greatest pianist alive right now (eg, Zimerman)

But again, I feel bad for Li, instead of attacking him, he is one of the most talented pianist for sure, but the marketing tactics has made him nothing but a pop-star/pianist here in Asia. And it's a shame.

While Lang Lang enjoys the freedom of recording 5 crappy CDs a year, Li can only tour around the world playing what the company tells him to play. (Believe me, Li's reportire is WAY bigger than it's projected to be. He played Brahms 2nd when he was 16, Prokofiev sonatas, and Liszt transcdental etudes. But these pieces are consider as 'cold dish' in Asia, people in Asia are still expecting stuff like Chopin. Just look at how sucessful Maksim is, and u will know how superficial the mass audience of Asia are)

Again, I am feeling bad for Li. And I am bashing Lang lang for his crappy tone-color.

But I think Li's Grieg Concerto, Liszt sonata live are very bad indeed.
I got his Liszt concerto 1 several days ago, and I like it. So maybe he is rethinking of changing his reportire and start to educate the mass audiecne in Asia.

And yes, there was female fans fainted over him, and he was really called the 'prince of piano' in Asia. At least that's what I read and watched on the news and TV. And I have friends who were friend with him back in Shanghai Music Conservatory, and they have told me some nasty thing about him. But I don't think that's what matters.

But I am just telling u, Li is no more of a sacred figure that u potray him to be. He is a pianist, and he needs  to earn money, so he was enjoying his fame and the craziness of fans in Asia, as much as Lang Lang enjoying his sucess and phony praise of his music here in America.

I like them both, yet, I abhor certain aspect of their career.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

Offline steinwaymodeld

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #68 on: November 26, 2004, 07:29:55 PM
and tibidi, I think it's stupid of them to delete your posts. But what u expected, they are bunch of crazy fans.

And if u want, I have a private website of Li's pictures if u are interested.
It's quite interesting.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #69 on: November 26, 2004, 07:36:56 PM
Last thing, I did listened to Li's Liszt sonata in HK live. And I have a tape of his live recital in Japan which he played the Chopin Scherzo no.2, La Campanella, Rigoletto, Sun-Flower and Liszt sonata.

I enjoyed both of those performance very much. But those are like 3 years ago, when he started out to play those piece.

Now, after 3 years, he is still playing those pieces, and I was refering his performance in La Roque d'Antheron. It definately has declined. For sure, u shoudl really get both of them to compare.

And then his Grieg Concerto was such a big dissapointment to me.

And compare to his 'great' performance (3 years ago in HK and Tokyo) and his 'disspointing' performacne (3 years later in HK), that's why I conclude he has declined. It's that simple. But from the Liszt concerto 1 i got yesterday, I hope he has finally got a grip
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #70 on: November 26, 2004, 11:38:49 PM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #71 on: November 27, 2004, 01:00:27 AM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

Hey Tibidi,

I find your posts extremely entertaining, esp. your conspirancy theories of Lang Lang mafia aginst great Yundi Li. Keep 'em comin'!

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #72 on: November 27, 2004, 01:47:10 AM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

Hey Tibidi,

I find your posts extremely entertaining, esp. your conspirancy theories of Lang Lang mafia aginst great Yundi Li. Keep 'em comin'!

Haha, I agree  ;D  But then, u dissed Rudy!  >:(

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #73 on: November 27, 2004, 02:05:45 AM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

Whatever, u ignorant idiot.
I tried to be unbiased. And I have already told u I neither support/against both of the pianist.
I simply saying he has declined since 3 years. That's the truth, and if u can't accept that, that's ur own fault. God, it's like talk to a wall.

Go ahead and be your 'Yundi Li is so underrated and whatever people bad-mouth about him is Lang Lang supporter - club' chairperson.

Stupid obsessive fan, I have seen too much of you kind.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #74 on: November 27, 2004, 07:31:16 AM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

Hey Tibidi,

I find your posts extremely entertaining, esp. your conspirancy theories of Lang Lang mafia aginst great Yundi Li. Keep 'em comin'!

Haha, I agree  ;D  But then, u dissed Rudy!  >:(

Sorry if I've hurt your feelings.

I'd so much prefer if he'd put his phenomenal, absolutely unique, boundless pianistic ablities to serve music, and become a serious musician. Then I'd never be tired to sing praises for him. But at this point--sorry, I just can't.   
But hey! If you enjoy him, what's the problem? You have as much of opinion as I do!

I guess, we have enough enertainment here to start another war.
Or wait.... how 'bout Asian obsessive mafia against Russian pianistic school?

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #75 on: November 27, 2004, 08:53:17 AM

Hey Tibidi,

I find your posts extremely entertaining, esp. your conspirancy theories of Lang Lang mafia aginst great Yundi Li. Keep 'em comin'!

Haha, I agree  ;D  But then, u dissed Rudy!  >:(

Sorry if I've hurt your feelings.

I'd so much prefer if he'd put his phenomenal, absolutely unique, boundless pianistic ablities to serve music, and become a serious musician. Then I'd never be tired to sing praises for him. But at this point--sorry, I just can't.   
But hey! If you enjoy him, what's the problem? You have as much of opinion as I do!

I guess, we have enough enertainment here to start another war.
Or wait.... how 'bout Asian obsessive mafia against Russian pianistic school?

It looks as if I have ridiculed myself here? I don’t know if there is any conspiracy, but I can share with you my experiences at those websites.

 I got scolded fiercely just by showing my appreciation for Yundi’s music. When you defended Yundi’s music( I dared not attack Lang Lang’s music at that time), website A just blocked my IP quietly. The message said, “ You are not permitted to view this website). So I went to my friend’s house to continue writing by using a different name and his computer was also marked down. I went to internet café, as soon as they found out it was me, the  whole area was denied access to that website. Wow! they were determined to get rid of me because I show enthusiasm for Yundi’s music. When I complained publicly, they quickly lifted the ban on me and I was able to write again. Not long after that, I was told to leave that site by the websiter master after I criticized Lang Lang’s music. The way I criticized Lang Lang’s music was considered as mild if you compare it with what I had written here under the other thread Lang Lang.

Although I had less trouble with another  website B,  they just don’t like the reviews I pasted up there. Those are mainly positive reviews for Yundi, but occasionally some reviewers liked to compare Yundi with Lang Lang. The whole thread of these reviews had been deleted. In this thread, I compared Yundi’s Greig concerto with other pianists after I had read about that  Havard University grad’s nonsense about Yundi. He had said too much nonsense regarding the way Yundi played that Greig concerto in Hong Kong concert hall. Just like what someone here had said, he reckon Yundi was very nervous and play so badly that the conductor looked at Yundi angrily while Yundi was playing there. This website B has also cancelled by membership quietly a few times.

Another two websites are really a joke, they attacked Yundi day in and day out for a few years. Of course they never forgot to praise Lang Lang to sky high. After many exchanges with them, I was finally blocked by the website masters.

Two websites dedicated to Yundi used to be able to be accessible by mainland Chinese people, but now they are not accessible by them any more. I don’t know why. Is there any reason or did it just happen by chance? I don’t know.

Then you saw some articles full of praises for Lang Lang while and  at the same time they must say a lot of nonsense about yundi's music.

 You may or may not like what I have written but these are all facts. You may even refuse to believe it but these are pure facts.

If you think Yundi is not a serious artist, you mind must have been poisoned by fans of Lang Lang.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #76 on: November 27, 2004, 08:56:17 AM
Your praises for Yundi at certain points and your attack on Lang Lang's music don't make you look any more genuine than before your last three posts. You are still very wrong in what you have insisted. Your main point is that Yundi is declining which is simply nonsense. I had compared his Grieg concerto (the one recorded in Hong Kong concert hall) with about ten other pianists before at one Chinese website and I had rated him comparable to Lipatti. Many Chinese had read it. That tape was supplied by a fan of Lang Lang who used to pretend to be Yundi's supporter. In fact the website dedicated to Yundi is now taken over by fans of Lang Lang. If I am able to find that thread in that chinese wensite, I will paste it here(most of my posts there have been deleted by that website).

There is no use trying old tactic to smear Yundi Li. I have seen enough of them. Will continue sometimes later.

Hey Tibidi,

I find your posts extremely entertaining, esp. your conspirancy theories of Lang Lang mafia aginst great Yundi Li. Keep 'em comin'!

Haha, I agree  ;D  But then, u dissed Rudy!  >:(

Sorry if I've hurt your feelings.

I'd so much prefer if he'd put his phenomenal, absolutely unique, boundless pianistic ablities to serve music, and become a serious musician. Then I'd never be tired to sing praises for him. But at this point--sorry, I just can't.   
But hey! If you enjoy him, what's the problem? You have as much of opinion as I do!

I guess, we have enough enertainment here to start another war.
Or wait.... how 'bout Asian obsessive mafia against Russian pianistic school?

For Vadim Rudenko, i have only heard his Op.10 No.2 chopin etudes and the Rachmaninoff moment Musical Op.16 no.4 from his website. Will u say his style/technique is similar to his collegue Nikolai Lugansky?
I even asked my friend in Japan to order some Rudenko CDs for me. How is this pianist exactly, is there any recording of him avaliable here?

(P.S There are just too many obsessive fans of Li in Asia and for LL in US. It's quite futile try to discuss any matter of the regarding pianist. Because they are simply blind. I hate to say this, but as an Asian, I do feel proud of the achivement of LL and Li regarding to their career. But I wish they would improve thru time, as Lang lang should put more attention to the tone-color and understanding of music, and try to tune-down his ridicuolous usage of tempo and dynamic changes. And Li should concentrate on being a performer instead of a pop-star. I have experienced this kind of fan-frenzy in some piano-related asian forum. And it wasn't pretty. And I thought I could escape this kind of stupidity here, but then i was wrong again.)
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #77 on: November 27, 2004, 09:08:42 AM
Whatever, u ignorant idiot.
I tried to be unbiased. And I have already told u I neither support/against both of the pianist.
I simply saying he has declined since 3 years. That's the truth, and if u can't accept that, that's ur own fault. God, it's like talk to a wall.

Go ahead and be your 'Yundi Li is so underrated and whatever people bad-mouth about him is Lang Lang supporter - club' chairperson.

Stupid obsessive fan, I have seen too much of you kind.

Calling people idiot? Never mind.

Don't you think you are full of contradiction? One moment you praised his Scherzi, another moment you insisted that he had declined defitnately. How can he decline if his most recent recording scherzi is considered as ok by you?

It's no use trying to show that you are neutral, I am not a fool you know, haha!

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #78 on: November 27, 2004, 09:24:20 AM
Whatever, u ignorant idiot.
I tried to be unbiased. And I have already told u I neither support/against both of the pianist.
I simply saying he has declined since 3 years. That's the truth, and if u can't accept that, that's ur own fault. God, it's like talk to a wall.

Go ahead and be your 'Yundi Li is so underrated and whatever people bad-mouth about him is Lang Lang supporter - club' chairperson.

Stupid obsessive fan, I have seen too much of you kind.

Calling people idiot? Never mind.

Don't you think you are full of contradiction? One moment you praised his Scherzi, another moment you insisted that he had declined defitnately. How can he decline if his most recent recording scherzi is considered as ok by you?

It's no use trying to show that you are neutral, I am not a fool you know, haha!

I will try my last attempt to make u understand.

Good live performance of Li:
Liszt Concerto 1(Germany), Liszt sonata (HK and Tokyo)

Bad live perforamnce of Li:
Grieg Concerto in HK, Liszt sonata and Chopin scherzo 1-3 (Husum)

I like good recording and perforamce, and I don't like bad recording and bad performacne.

I hope it's easy enough for u to understand. It's as easy as it can get.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #79 on: November 27, 2004, 09:25:08 AM
I am not a fool you know, haha!

I beg to differ.
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #80 on: November 27, 2004, 09:28:47 AM

(P.S There are just too many obsessive fans of Li in Asia and for LL in US. It's quite futile try to discuss any matter of the regarding pianist. Because they are simply blind. I hate to say this, but as an Asian, I do feel proud of the achivement of LL and Li regarding to their career. But I wish they would improve thru time, as Lang lang should put more attention to the tone-color and understanding of music, and try to tune-down his ridicuolous usage of tempo and dynamic changes. And Li should concentrate on being a performer instead of a pop-star. I have experienced this kind of fan-frenzy in some piano-related asian forum. And it wasn't pretty. And I thought I could escape this kind of stupidity here, but then i was wrong again.)

Wrong, I have seen too many  fans of Lang Lang very active in Asia websites but fans of Yundi are not active at all.

Lang Lang will improve? I don't think so.

As for Yundi, please don't worry about him, he is very serious about his music. Fans of Lang Lang better stop protraying  him as a pop star as that only reveal that you don't know how to enjoy classical music.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #81 on: November 27, 2004, 09:30:28 AM

I will try my last attempt to make u understand.

Good live performance of Li:
Liszt Concerto 1(Germany), Liszt sonata (HK and Tokyo)

Bad live perforamnce of Li:
Grieg Concerto in HK, Liszt sonata and Chopin scherzo 1-3 (Husum)

I like good recording and perforamce, and I don't like bad recording and bad performacne.

I hope it's easy enough for u to understand. It's as easy as it can get.

So, if you say this live performance is bad, it must be bad? You must be joking!

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #82 on: November 27, 2004, 09:35:40 AM

I will try my last attempt to make u understand.

Good live performance of Li:
Liszt Concerto 1(Germany), Liszt sonata (HK and Tokyo)

Bad live perforamnce of Li:
Grieg Concerto in HK, Liszt sonata and Chopin scherzo 1-3 (Husum)

I like good recording and perforamce, and I don't like bad recording and bad performacne.

I hope it's easy enough for u to understand. It's as easy as it can get.

So, if you say this live performance is bad, it must be bad? You must be joking!

So, if you say:

1.) Lang Lang wouldn't improve
2.) Yundi Li hasn't declined
3.) Yundi Li is a sacred figure and care nothing about his waving fans
4.) Yundi Li has no bad performance
5.) You are not a ignorant fool

, it must be:

1.) Lang Lang wouldn't improve?
2.) Yundi Li hasn't declined?
3.) Yundi Li is a sacred figure and care nothing about his waving fans?
4.) Yundi Li has no bad performance?
5.) You are not a ignorant fool?

You must be joking!
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #83 on: November 27, 2004, 09:36:20 AM

I think I have WAY more Yundi li's materials then u have.
Except all the normal recording and video u can buy in store.

So, you don't have his normal recording and video u can buy in store, yet you dare to criticize his music so much?

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #84 on: November 27, 2004, 09:54:48 AM
My answers can be found in those reviews given by respectable reviewers for Yundi recently. Is it possible for Yundi to decline while at the same time receiving good reviews recently? Use your brain, man! It's useless using this old tactic to downgrade Yundi, it has been used too often for the past few years.

You certainly like to portray me as an ignorant person. Never mind, I don't have the habit of boasting myself. Still I like to tell you that I had attended Yundi's performances three times and my family own too many recordings of the past and present great pianists, I can always borrow from my friends those that I don't have. I am sure you have a lot too! Good!

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #85 on: November 27, 2004, 02:40:29 PM

And I almost take it as a insult that u think Li's Grieg Concerto is comparable to Lipatti's. Can't u hear all those uncertain moment in his music? Don't u think he should practice that piece more before he perform it in Hong Kong. If u think it's on the same level with Lipatti's legendary perforamcne then I think I have nothing to say to u.

Regarding Grieg concerto, I hope you can say something more about Yundi’s playing instead of just criticisms without facts or simply listening to that Dr OW from Harvard University.

The following is my personal view about Grieg concerto played by some ten pianists. They are NOT arranged in order of merit.

Lipatti – I like all his three movements especially the first and the second  movements. His first movement gave you some majestic feeling. His second movement is very serene and expressive. Yundi’s first and second movements are quite impressive too, but I thought he was rushing a little.  I like Yundi’s third movement better than Lipatti’s. Yundi's third movement is  simply breathtaking. In fact, Yundi had played the third movement  fastest among all the pianists that  I have heard. His time is 8’45” while others took between 8’54”(Moiseiwitsh) to 10’ 53”(Zimerman).

Although Walter Gieseking’s rubato in his first movement is not better than Yundi’s, I prefer Walter Gieseking’s  more than Richter’s first movement. Some wrong notes detected in Walter Gieseking’s first movement.

Moiseiwitsch’s rubato is also not that good for the first movement, also some wrong notes, but I like his second movement.

Michelangeli sounded like marching soldier, don’t like it.

Lupu’s first movement is too slow.

Noriko Ogawa is also too slow, but is rather expressive.

Richter’s rubato is bad although his technique is rather good.

Stephen Kovacevich’s fast passage  in the first movement is not as impressive as Yundi’s and also not as emotional as Yundi although his rubato is good too. His second movement is very expressive.

Kystien Zimerman is far  too slow although he is also very expressive. You cannot play this piece too slow!

Leifove Andesnes’s first movement is good technically but not as expressive as Yundi. Animato is too rushing. His third movement technique is also good but rubato is not as good as Yundi's.

Geoges Cziffra played like Yundi, rubato good,  even more emotional than Yundi. Third movement technique not that impressive compared with Yundi.

I can also give you the time Yundi had played:

First movement: 12’15”
Second movement: 5’45”
Third movement: 8’45”

You may not like what I wrote, but at least this is my honest view.

There have been too much nonsense written about Yundi for the past few years.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #86 on: November 27, 2004, 02:48:42 PM

His Liszt Sonata back then was one of the best I have heard, now he is just struggling with notes and stupid phrasing, completely ruined the masterpiece. Is it because he has to played the same programme OVER AND OVER AND OVER again for 3 years? I don't know. What I certainly know that is, for people who say 'Yea, Li is as good as before' or 'Li is being commercialized wouldn't affect his playing', are just as blind as the people who think Lang Lang is the 'best, greatest Virtuoso alive'.

It's just simply absurd.

Try to get more materials before u speak.

Do you believe that? My goodness. You remind me of all the nonsense people used to invent for the past few years.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #87 on: November 27, 2004, 03:03:45 PM

While Lang Lang enjoys the freedom of recording 5 crappy CDs a year, Li can only tour around the world playing what the company tells him to play. (Believe me, Li's reportire is WAY bigger than it's projected to be. He played Brahms 2nd when he was 16, Prokofiev sonatas, and Liszt transcdental etudes. But these pieces are consider as 'cold dish' in Asia, people in Asia are still expecting stuff like Chopin. Just look at how sucessful Maksim is, and u will know how superficial the mass audience of Asia are)

More lies detected. Who told you that Li  can only tour around the world playing what the company tells him to play? How absurd. Are people here so easily fooled? Otherwise why should this fellow come up with so much lies? Li decides every piece himself although the record company didn't favour him playing Liszt sonata at the beginning but Li insisted on his own decision and the company just have to give way to him. Li had said not long ago that his record company has left every piece for him to decide to play.

Who told you that Lang Lang enjoys the freedom of recording 5 crappy CDs a year? Which pianist record 5 CD a year no matter how crappy they are. I hope you know what you are talking about.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #88 on: November 27, 2004, 05:03:18 PM

More lies detected. Who told you that Li  can only tour around the world playing what the company tells him to play? How absurd. Are people here so easily fooled? Otherwise why should this fellow come up with so much lies? Li decides every piece himself although the record company didn't favour him playing Liszt sonata at the beginning but Li insisted on his own decision and the company just have to give way to him. Li had said not long ago that his record company has left every piece for him to decide to play.

Who told you that Lang Lang enjoys the freedom of recording 5 crappy CDs a year? Which pianist record 5 CD a year no matter how crappy they are. I hope you know what you are talking about.


Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #89 on: November 27, 2004, 06:28:55 PM

Regarding Grieg concerto, I hope you can say something more about Yundi’s playing instead of just criticisms without facts or simply listening to that Dr OW from Harvard University.

The following is my personal view about Grieg concerto played by some ten pianists. They are NOT arranged in order of merit.

Lipatti – I like all his three movements especially the first and the second  movements. His first movement gave you some majestic feeling. His second movement is very serene and expressive. Yundi’s first and second movements are quite impressive too, but I thought he was rushing a little.  I like Yundi’s third movement better than Lipatti’s. Yundi's third movement is  simply breathtaking. In fact, Yundi had played the third movement  fastest among all the pianists that  I have heard. His time is 8’45” while others took between 8’54”(Moiseiwitsh) to 10’ 53”(Zimerman).

Although Walter Gieseking’s rubato in his first movement is not better than Yundi’s, I prefer Walter Gieseking’s  more than Richter’s first movement. Some wrong notes detected in Walter Gieseking’s first movement.

Moiseiwitsch’s rubato is also not that good for the first movement, also some wrong notes, but I like his second movement.

Michelangeli sounded like marching soldier, don’t like it.

Richter’s rubato is bad although his technique is rather good.

Geoges Cziffra played like Yundi, rubato good,  even more emotional than Yundi. Third movement technique not that impressive compared with Yundi.

No further questions...

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #90 on: November 27, 2004, 08:28:27 PM
Yundi's third movement is  simply breathtaking. In fact, Yundi had played the third movement  fastest among all the pianists that  I have heard. His time is 8’45” while others took between 8’54”(Moiseiwitsh) to 10’ 53”(Zimerman).

First movement: 12’15”
Second movement: 5’45”
Third movement: 8’45”
respect fo da SDC timing analysis!  8)

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #91 on: November 28, 2004, 05:19:44 AM

 Lang lang is lucky, because he started out in American or in the western world, which the classical music audience are more mature and willing to listen to lesser-known music. So DG gives him more freedom as they know he will still sale even if he plays stuff by Rachmaninoff and Scriabin. But will it be the same for Li? NOOO! Li's career based in Asia, and it's Asian who knows Li the best, and he is more popular in Asia. And Asian classical music listener are lesser mature, they are expecting like 10 CD of Chopin , maybe occasionaly some Liszt or beethoven. So DG made Li play just those several pieces that he has been performning for 3 or more years. I meant, everyone will be tired of those piece after 3 years of continous performance, no matter how great those pieces are. And that's one of the reason why the marketing of the company can change the musical quality of a pianist.

This is not true. Lang Lang’s career is planed by a group of very influential people that includes his US piano teacher. One music critic had complained soon after Lang Lang had started performing that he was asked to write reviews for Lang Lang without being given the sound track of Lang Lang’s performance. He was supposed to write reviews that will make Lang Lang’s concert a sell out, that will make Lang Lang hot. When he refused, somebody else was asked to do the job. This music critic was the very first one to have noticed something immature about Lang Lang’s music. His view about Lang Lang was a very isolated one at that time. He had finally became so disgusted with the way these group of people had advertised Lang Lang that he wrote an article about Lang Lang and tried to have it published in newspaper but no newspaper wanted to accept his article. He could only circulate it among websites. I was given this article by a fan of Lang Lang and some of you  might have read it too. In this article, this reviewer attacked the way Lang Lang has been promoted, he reckoned Lang Lang should go back to college to study for a few more  years before starting public performance. He attacked the American audiences for being ignorant about classical music, for giving Lang Lang standing ovations. ( Some other American critics also said the same thing a few years later).There are something else very sensitive this reviewer had written about Lang Lang which I don’t feel like revealing here.  So it’s a well known fact that Lang Lang’s success is entirely a result of media hype. Yet you see shameless people trying to attack Yundi by hinting that it was all media hype that Yundi’s success is based on.

Yundi started his piano lesson at seven years of age, unlike others who normally started at three years old. He learnt piano seriously when he was nine years old. Since then it seems that  he was only practising to win piano competitions. So, he did win quite a few before winning Chopin competition.  I bet most people won even dream of winning so many competitions if they had only started learning seriously at nine years of age. But because Yundi improved his piano playing at a tremendous rate, he is  able to achieve what he has now achieved .How wide can his repertoire be if you look back at his brief history? Won’t it be better to play a piece  seriously rather than to widen your repertoire in a rush and produce recordings of low standard? We have had already too many low quality recordings, I don’t think I want to spend money on some more of this type of poor and weird performance.

Yundi is an Asian, he doesn’t have a group of influential people behind him, where else can he start his performing career besides having to  first performing in Japan as his obligation to the Japan recording company? Do you know that Chopin competition is also subsidized by Japan recording company? If you start in Asia, you  are no good? if you are idol of young fans, your success must be due to media hype, not your true ability? That is what fans of Lang Lang have been trying to say. They have forgotten that the one who have been catapulted to the world stage through media hype is their idol Lang Lang. If Lang Lang really have the talent, he won't be criticized so harshly by some well known critics. There are so many more talented young pianists who really should be given a chance, instead, we have this weird fellow almost dominating the whole world stages, performing in all the best concert halls all over the world.

Offline Regulus Medtner

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #92 on: November 28, 2004, 12:01:11 PM
Oh, man, 1)take a chill pill   and...
               2) get a life.


Offline tibidi

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #93 on: November 28, 2004, 01:40:33 PM
Oh, man, 1)take a chill pill   and...
               2) get a life.


Yes, get rich by inflicting harm on others!

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #94 on: November 28, 2004, 02:02:30 PM

overall, I think Li is a much better pianist but he has very little freedom on what he can perform, and he has to obey the record company in order to survive (remember the Vietnamess Chopin competition winner Dang Thai Son? He doesn't obey DG and he is now nobody)

Try to get more materials before u speak.

Whatever, u ignorant idiot.

I tried to be unbiased. And I have already told u I neither support/against both of the pianist.

I simply saying he has declined since 3 years. That's the truth, and if u can't accept that, that's ur own fault. God, it's like talk to a wall.

Go ahead and be your 'Yundi Li is so underrated and whatever people bad-mouth about him is Lang Lang supporter - club' chairperson.

Stupid obsessive fan, I have seen too much of you kind.

I will try my last attempt to make u understand.


Look, who has had so much contempt for other and yet has been able to get away from other people's criticism except mine? Instead, I am the one who seem to have been  rediculed by a few here. Not a fair place too, I think. There are some  fans of lang Lang here too.

Let me put the fact right for you. Dang Thai Son had never signed with DG because the first Asian to have singed with DG is Yundi Li.

You had told me to get more materials before I speak. Don't you think you should be the one who should  try to get more materials before u speak?

Another advice, you owe Yundi Li an apology for trying to smear his character besides having said a lot of nonsense about his music.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #95 on: November 28, 2004, 02:05:55 PM
Inserted wrongly above.

Had  Dang Thai Son ever signed with DG? I only know he had done recordings with Victor. If SteinwayModelD remains silence about my query, that shows he had lied again. Nobody doesn't mean that he is no good. I would rather listen to Dang Thai Son than IVO Pogorelich or Your idol Lang Lang even though Dang Thai Son's technique is not that impressive. I would also rather listen to his Chopin than Martha Argerich's.

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #96 on: November 28, 2004, 03:13:09 PM

I own every single CDs that Li and Lang Lang put out, and I enjoy the majority of Li's CD. While LL's CDs are always a joke to me. (Especially the Carnegie Hall CD, the Schubert Wanderer Fantasy almost made me want to puke. It's just so 'greasy')

I think I have WAY more Yundi li's materials then u have.
Except all the normal recording and video u can buy in store.

And I believe I have 2 times more matierals of Yundi Li than everyone here has.

So, one moment he said he doesn't have Li's normal recording and video u can buy in store. Another moment he said he has every single CDs that Li had put out. Then he said he has 2 times more matierals of Yundi Li than everyone here has.

If you don't even have his normal recording and video u can buy in store, I don't see how he could have 2 times more materials of Yundi Li than everyone here has.

 I will tell you what I have now:

I have all his CDs that you can buy in store.
 I have his Yellow reiver concerto video played when he was 15 years old.
 I have recording of his liszt competition pieces,
 Chopin competition pieces plus DVDs of the last round of competition and prize presenting ceremony video.
 Video recordings of a few  interviews.

Doesn't that show that this person is not trust worthy? Let me recall his ninsense here:

Yundi has declined recently,
 he enjoys to be a pop star,
he enjoy seeing girls fainted for him,
he likes to be compared with Japanese drama star,
 his personality is not good,
 he struggled with notes and stupid phrasing, completely ruined the masterpiece,
 his Grieg Concerto performance in HK is just horrifying

I have already refuted all these wild accusations. He is doing all these for Lang Lang - if people say Lang Lang is no good, Yundi is bad too! Haha!

Offline julie391

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #97 on: November 29, 2004, 01:12:17 AM

Offline julie391

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #98 on: November 29, 2004, 01:13:32 AM

Yes, get rich by inflicting harm on others!

lol, i meant this

and this whole thread, and TIBIDI!!!!


Offline steinwaymodeld

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Re: Yundi Li
Reply #99 on: November 29, 2004, 05:28:58 AM

That's all I gotta say
Perfection itself is imperfection - Vladimir Horowitz
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