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Topic: Intensive listening: Anyone interested?  (Read 1145 times)

Offline isaacmalitz

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Intensive listening: Anyone interested?
on: October 05, 2014, 04:56:49 PM
I'd like to do intensive listening sessions with a few people. A session would run about an hour, we will listen to some piece of music online (your choice), and then we will discuss it. Focus will be on the experiential side of the music, and the breadth/individuality of your experience (and mine).

Format: 2 people (you and I); about 1 hour; you can select the musical performance (under 10 minutes, MP3 or YouTube; performer can be Horowitz, Labeques, you, or ...). The first half of the session will be lightly structured by me. And then we can discuss whatever you want.

Background: I am a very good pianist (Oberlin; UCLA; Aube Tzerko); also a scientist (PhD mathematical logic, UCLA). I and some colleagues have studied various ways to model musical experience. The result is a lightly-structured way to experience music - that is intense and which can be highly individual. We have already lined up some serious sponsorship for this, and we are developing the exact format for the listening sessions.

If interested, contact me at imalitz@omsmodel.com

[This is a research/academic project, non-commercial.]