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Topic: Help with Schumans 'The Reapers Song' (staccato bit at the end)  (Read 1661 times)

Offline leemond2008

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Hi everyone, for some reason this area of the piece is driving me crazy, I am fine playing staccato usually but I'm struggling on this bit, my teacher advised me to play it by lifting my wrists on each note, I can play it quite accurately this way but I can't get it to play anywhere near as fast as needed.

I can get better speed if I play it concentrating on my finger movement but it is less accurate.

I just can't seem to find the happy medium to get this piece nailed.

How would everyone else play this section and what sort of technique would you use for the staccato
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Offline 109natsu

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Hi leemond,

Maybe there is somethings wrong about your fingerings. Some fingerings work well for legato but not for staccato.

I would use

D  E  F  E  D C     D  C  D  C
3  4  5  5  4  3     4  3  4  3
1  2  3  3  1  1     2  1  2 
G C  D  C  G  E    B  A  B

If you have a smaller sized hand, talk to your teacher about that.

After playing the F and the D, shift the fifth and the third fingers to E and C. You should practice the jump there so that it is up to tempo and accurate.
"Be there ten minutes before the bus." Your hand should be set ready to play before you actually play.

Or, there could be something wrong with your phrasing. Staccato does not mean every note is equal. You should phrase to the top, then climb down, like if you would on a regular legato. This should help move your wrist with the movement of the notes.

Happy practicing,

Natsu Ozawa
Bloomington, IN

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