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Topic: How do you learn/practice Rameau's La Poule?  (Read 2325 times)

Offline mrcreosote

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How do you learn/practice Rameau's La Poule?
on: December 17, 2016, 03:35:49 AM
Written for harpsichord, I've seen some on-line scores where just de-fathoming the notation will require effort - half of the notation I've never seen.

The "speed range" between notes is unlike anything I've ever seen.

For now, all I can figure out is

1) Find a good score
2) Research the ornamentals
3) Practice   S......l.....o......w
4) Then practice even slower
5) ??? how to build speed ???

It seems like ornamentals should be "easy" to play since they were omnipresent in harpsichord music.  However, maybe that is a misconception on my part.  Perhaps harpsichordists virtuosity was in hose ornamentals.  In other words, they were the "hard part."

Thanks in advance,
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Offline pianoplayer002

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Re: How do you learn/practice Rameau's La Poule?
Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 04:04:49 AM
They should feel easy when you play them, but mastering the technique takes a while.

Checklist for rapid ornaments:
* Move your fingers rapidly and have a very clear, intense sensation in your fingertips
* Don't tense any part of your hand when trying to move your fingers (including the thumb all the way up to your wrist - your thumb should be like it's made of soft rubber when not playing)
* Keep the other fingers not playing relaxed
* Don't press down on your fingers with your arm when playing (check if there is any particular finger you want to press down on - or if you want to press down when starting the ornament or ending the ornament - and work on ensuring you simply move the finger instead)
* Your hand needs to be very light and easy
* Don't tense your wrist, elbow or shoulder when playing the ornaments - they should be loose and flexible in all directions
* Practise in such a tempo that you can execute the above mentioned instructions perfectly, and speed will come

You can also experiment with doing it faster every now and then, to try and get a feel for carrying these instructions out when playing rapidly


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