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Topic: Help Identifying a Sonata  (Read 1989 times)

Offline kornv9022

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Help Identifying a Sonata
on: March 23, 2017, 04:30:51 AM
So I remembered this Sonata that I am pretty sure is by Beethoven, but I cannot find it. Here are the notes I remember.

In eight notes A4 e4 c#5 a4 e5
One quarter note chord I think, but I cannot remember the notes
In eight notes e4 c#4 a4 e4 c#5
Again a quarter note chord
In eight notes c#4 a3 e4 c#4
In eight notes a4 a4 a4 a4 g#

In eight notes A4 e4 c#5 a4 e5 (RH)
One quarter note chord I think, but I cannot remember the notes (LH)
In eight notes e4 c#4 a4 e4 c#5 (RH)
Again a quarter note chord (LH)
In eight notes c#4 a3 e4 c#4 (RH)
In eight notes g#4 g#4 g#4 b4 a4. (both hands play chords, but I only remember main notes from the chords)

Then it switches to the left hand now playing the eight notes an octave lower and the right hand playing the chords. I wasnt sure how else to present this. However, I am sure if you try those eights notes on a piano at a fairly quick speed you'll recognize it. I hope someone will be able to identify it thanks.

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Offline kornv9022

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Re: Help Identifying a Sonata
Reply #1 on: March 24, 2017, 04:53:43 PM
I found it.

Offline afarmboysforte

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Re: Help Identifying a Sonata
Reply #2 on: March 24, 2017, 05:34:38 PM
what was it? I couldn't figure it out...

Offline kornv9022

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Re: Help Identifying a Sonata
Reply #3 on: March 24, 2017, 07:58:34 PM
It was movement two of Beethovens Sonata no.2. I didnt recall the notes very well, so it wasnt an easy task for people. The music was playing in my head, but I couldnt get all of it down in notes.
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