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Topic: Mozart's Piano Sonata K570  (Read 2417 times)

Offline brianskelter

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Mozart's Piano Sonata K570
on: April 01, 2020, 10:13:53 AM
Hello, I decided to join Pianostreet since I've been reading some of the posted threads once in a while I thought why not!

Anyway I've been having a technical problem on this particular sonata's first movement (Mozart's K570).  There are rapid alberti bass passages that I inconsistently play.  Particularly bars 63, 67-68, 193, and 197-198.

I've tried different rhythm patters, slow practice,  and left hand alone. But once I try to play it in tempo (125-128 bpm) my left hand just couldn't catch up with my right hand and goes stiff. 

Due to community quarantine,  I couldn't consult to my piano professor at the moment. I would be happy to get some tips from you all. Thank you very much!
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Offline brogers70

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Re: Mozart's Piano Sonata K570
Reply #1 on: April 01, 2020, 11:05:44 AM
I've tried a couple of things that help somewhat with fast Alberti bass. First, just play them as chords so that you are really comfortable with moving your hand from chord to chord. That's one less source of worry while your working on getting the Alberti bass itself up to tempo. Then try leaving out the thumb and just playing the lower notes of the chord as eighth notes. Get that sound in your mind, because one thing you want to avoid is whacking the thumb too hard. Then focus on keeping the thumb as relaxed as possible and just gently tapping the key with it, trying to bring out the lower notes and minimizing the volume of the upper note. My impression is that there are multiple ways to think about moving the hand as a whole, e.g. rotating it back and forth from the pinky to the thumb, and the like, but I think that overdoing any of them is counterproductive. Just trying to keep the hand relaxed and not rigidly in place is enough, I think.

Offline dw4rn

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Re: Mozart's Piano Sonata K570
Reply #2 on: April 07, 2020, 12:03:40 PM

what fingering do you use for these passages?

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