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Topic: More HELP with Keys PLZ!  (Read 1461 times)

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More HELP with Keys PLZ!
on: February 06, 2005, 05:27:22 PM
I need someone to tell me about FLATS. It states that when playing a note I should play the key next to the left of it (Black or White). Does this mean that when I'm playing with my right hand that I the F key will now become E. Or does it mean the F key will become Bb (the closiet black one). Will someone explain this to me please.

Offline kaff

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Re: More HELP with Keys PLZ!
Reply #1 on: February 06, 2005, 07:08:23 PM
Yes, if you have an F note written with a flat sign, you play the E key.  Same with a C note written with a flat sign; you play the B key immediately to the left.  It works the same way but in reverse with sharp sign.  E sharp you hit the F key; B sharp you hit the C key.  If you have these in your piece, it's worth pencilling in above so you remember as you go through.  Once you've been playing for a while and you are more used to reading notes, it'll be easier to remember.


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Re: More HELP with Keys PLZ!
Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 11:00:34 PM
I have a question too

if in the base clef the B is already flatted due to the indications at the beginning of the bar does that mean that all Bs in the entire piece are flatted? Cuz Im learning 'this love' after hearing 'The Blind Folded Pianist' Play it and it seems that the B is always flatted apart from when otherwise indicated, but it doesnt have a pre indication in the treble clef bar

sorry if that made no sense

- Silva

Offline xvimbi

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Re: More HELP with Keys PLZ!
Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 11:06:09 PM
I have a question too

if in the base clef the B is already flatted due to the indications at the beginning of the bar does that mean that all Bs in the entire piece are flatted? Cuz Im learning 'this love' after hearing 'The Blind Folded Pianist' Play it and it seems that the B is always flatted apart from when otherwise indicated, but it doesnt have a pre indication in the treble clef bar

Yes, if there is a flat sign for B in the key signature (at the beginning of the piece), all B's, no matter where they are on the staff must be flat, unless preceded by some other accidental.
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