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Topic: contempery popular music corses  (Read 2386 times)

Offline Cecin_Koot

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contempery popular music corses
on: February 13, 2005, 12:13:49 AM
if anyone here comes from Australia they have most probably heard of the cpm corse for contempery popular musicians.  The corse is very well layerd out and orgonised with 25% technical work such as scales, arpegios, chord progretions, blues patterns.  15% set work.  there are 6 pieces in each of the books.  the first three can be list A and the last three are list B.  Some of the other set pieces are not in the book.  list C and D are free choice and are 15% of the overall score.  they need to be pieces of a simular diffulcty as the set work.  you can play any music you can find the sheet music for if it is the right difficulty.  15% of the score is your creativity and improvisation.  in the book i am currently doing, there are too backup tracks which you need to improvise on.  1 of them is swing, the other is rock.  the last 30% are the materials.  10% reading skills 10% aural skills and 10% knolage of music. 

The cpm corse books come in Vocals, Guitar, Bass guitar, Keyboard and Drum Kit.   There are 4 fundimental levels for keyboard and 4 advancing levels for everything.  This means there are 4 books for Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drum Kit, and 8 books for Keyboard.  Fundimetnal keyboard 1 is for somone who has been playing for about 1 year.  and advancing is for people who have been playing for about 3-6 years. 

If you are interested you should do some more reading.   go to


and then click click on the link which says contempery popular music on the left hand side list.  There is plenty reading there

All of the members of my band are doing the cpm books.  and they have really helped us. 

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Re: contempery popular music corses
Reply #1 on: February 19, 2005, 12:03:31 PM
hmmm, is no one interested in these books, they are very good.  you really should get them if you are interested in playing contempery music.  the two improvisation patterns for the last books are bebop (jazz) and funk (rock)

Offline Cecin_Koot

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Re: contempery popular music corses
Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 09:55:37 PM
Why doesnt anyone want these books, mabey they have went to get them but they didnt say anything.  can you please reply if you are interested. 

if anyone wants to play contempory music they can't go past these books. 
Our band owes our quick sucsess to these books.  and they help all bands

our lead guitarist looked more at the creativity section of the guitar books and our rythem guitarist looked more at the technical works of the books. 

somebody please buy one of these magnificent books and coment on how amazingly perfect they are. 

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