Good to hear that pianos from Estonia (The country where I happen to live) are good enaugh for players outside Estonia.
skbpen,Saying that you enjoy the tone of an Estonia over that of a Charles Walter is fine. I believe sound is a very personal thing. However, to say that the craftsmanship that goes into the Estonia far outweighs that of the Walter, leads me to dismiss any opinion you may have. The Walters are magnificant pianos, every bit the equal (or possibly superior) to the Estonia as far as the materials and craftsmanship that go into the piano.
Duplex scale:Yes for Estonia (tunable front and back duplexes for the 190)No duplex for WalterSpring-Assisted ActionNo for EstoniaNot sure about Walter, but I'd guess NO for it as wellDon't know about the rest. Rich Galassini and Keith Kerman can fill us in more if they want to.Although, iumonito, I fail to see how your questions relate to pianopitchman and skbpen's squabble that you quoted. They squabble over "material" and "craftemenship," you hit on "design' questions... those appear to be orthogonal concepts to me. Nonetheless, I find those questions interesting. Thanks for asking them.
Ax wrote: Earlier this year, I played a concert rental CW 190 in New Jersey (Rich G's shop, actually) and came away with a much improved impression of the CW 190. Perhaps you too would one day come across a better prepared Walter 190.