Piano Street Magazine

Books on Piano Pedaling

January 16th, 2009 in Piano Street Site News by | 2 comments

“The more I play, the more I am thoroughly convinced that the pedal is the soul of the piano. There are cases where the pedal is everything”
Anton Rubinstein

Two interesting books on the use of the piano pedals have been added to Piano Street’s new Special Content page.
The books are downloadable as e-books in pdf-format.

Guide to the Proper Use of
the Pianoforte Pedals

This legendary guide appeared in Russia in 1896 originally written by Bukhovtsev, a student of Anton Rubinsteins brother Nikolay at the Moscow Conservatory.

Possibilities of Tone Color by Artistic Use of Pedals

One of the leading pianists of the late 19th century explores in a warm and non-academic style the subtle tone colorings made possible through combinations of touch and pedal. Many inspiring points of views and advanced special techniques such as “pedal-crescendo” and “pedal-diminuendo” are covered in detail.

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  • Louis Podesta says:

    The only decent modern text on pedaling is Joseph Banowetz’ “The Pianist’s Guide To Pedaling.” It is an exhaustive study and history of this most important aspect of performance, with extensive examples of specific artists pedaling techniques.

  • gaby says:

    Hi, does anyone of you have “The Pianist,s Guide to Pedaling” on PDF?
    I have searched for it on indiana university press, but I can only get the printed version and I need it kind of urgently, since I need to write a tesis about it. Or any other site where can I download it?
    Thanks every one!
    mi mail is: lagallinaculeca@hotmail.com

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