Piano Street Magazine

Keep Track of the Latest Piano Albums with Piano Street

March 14th, 2019 in Piano Street Site News by | 1 comment

Piano Street’s mission is to promote classical piano music, and we are always looking for new ways to enable you to listen, learn, and play. There’s no question that piano playing is thriving all over the world, and on the World Wide Web – just look at the flood of new recordings, videos, and streamed concerts constantly available just a few clicks away.

Focusing on new piano albums, we’ve found that there are at least a handful every week that are definitely worthy of our members’ attention. We wanted to offer you an easy way to keep informed of these recordings when they are released.

The result is now visible on the home page, under the heading Latest Piano Albums. This section will be updated each week – clicking at the bottom of the list will take you to the archive, where you can see and listen to previous weeks’ selections. Here you will find not only the latest high-profile albums with the most famous names on the cover, but also exceptional recordings by lesser known pianists, debut albums with tomorrow’s stars, new interpretations of the central piano repertoire, and interesting but neglected keyboard music, contemporary as well as ancient.

While website visitors and Silver members can follow the list of new releases on the home page, Gold members get exclusive access to listen to the full albums directly in our high resolution audio streaming library.

We all have our favorite recordings of favorite pieces that we return to again and again. But life undoubtedly gets more interesting if now and then we listen to something new – you never know when you’ll find that new favorite! And even if you end up concluding that you still think, say, Gould is the ultimate Bach player, listening to Federico Colli might still give you new insights.

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  • Shauna Holiman says:

    Hello David,
    It would be so nice, not to mention helpful, if it were possible to sign up for a “weekly briefing” when you update. Just an email with a link. I so often forget to check websites but when they arrive in my inbox, I am more likely to take time.
    I SO enjoy Piano Street. Thank you!

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