Piano Street Magazine

New Recordings: Schubert – Six Moments Musicaux op 94

July 30th, 2010 in Piano Street Site News by | 5 comments

The Moments Musicaux were published only a few months before Schubert’s death in 1828. Most of them were composed during 1827 or 1828, with the exception of Nos. 3 and 6, dating from 1823 and 1824 respectively.

Recordings of the Six Moments Musicaux performed by David Wärn have now been published by Piano Street.

We are happy to share with you the recordings of piece no 5 and 6 from the set for free:

Moment Musical, op 94 no 5

Flash mp3 player

(click play button twice to start)

Moment Musical, op 94 no 6

Flash mp3 player

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  • Ignacio says:

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  • Carlos Cordeiro says:

    Always very happy to get your most precious newsletter.
    Thanks and keep up this excellent website.
    Carlos Cordeiro

  • Norma says:

    Excellent this website,I love my piano…

  • Megha says:

    amazing effort in spreading piano news to piano lovers.
    At the moment i am giving my grade 7 examination . love to be inspired by such lovely musicians !!

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