Who cares if the peice doesn't adhere to set standards created by others.
A peice should be judged by its overall effect as MUSIC, not as a structured scaffolding of notes and pitches.
but as a complete composer what do you think?
I don't find Chopin to be as grossly overrated as some of the other posters are saying, but I have to say, sometimes I feel he gets slightly more credit than he deserves. My main complaint is that sometimes his music just strikes me as superficial, but that's just me. My favorite stuff from him is probably his etudes, scherzi, and concerti, despite subpar orchestration. By no means am I calling Chopin a bad composer, in fact, I consider him a very good one. However, I just don't see him as deserving of being held in the same regards as Bach and Beethoven.
Come on, he is overrated here.He got like 33% of the votes, 26% now, and just as much as Beethoven and Bach together in this poll: https://www.pianostreet.com/smf/index.php/topic,10102.0.htmlMaybe he is only slightly overrated in general but surely hugely overrated here. And obviously he wasn't a genius. Not all people that do something worthwile or make something very beautiful are genius. One of the requirements in an IQ over 140. I really doubt he had such an IQ. And I did read his biography. If someone qualifies as a genius then its Mozart.Look at this: Rach 12% and Mozart 3% Ack! I don't really love either of them but this is crazy...Also a fun site: https://members.shaw.ca/delajara/Cox300.html Sand is on it, Chopin isn't
What? You're an idiot, that's what.
My god people. Think about it for a second. Not to bash anyone's opinions, but how can you call any composer overrated? Overrated how? Because he's popular? He gets too much attention? Aww... that's too bad... I hate it when music gets too much attention... boo hoo. People the reason why chopin is so popular is....... There. That's the answer. Being that there is none. If I were to list a reason it would no doubt be argued which would be pointless. I hardly dislike any single composer. The thing that makes a composer stand out for me is a sense of uniqueness. A voice in the music that I can recognize. That repetitiveness can be good. It means individuality. The pieces can sound the same and yet they are different. So what? It's music. Can you concieve that piano repetoire without him? He was a very important brick in the pyramid of music. To to take it away would be harmful not only to the brick itself but to all of the bricks that lie on it. Overrrated? No. Just popular. Maybe this should be considered a certain admirable quality. Can you remeber the first time you heard his famous nocturne or his revolutionary etude? They have become so popular that it's not the pieces you dislike, nor the composer, its the excessive attention they recieve.Try to remember the first time you heard a chopin piece. The first time I heard the "ocean" etude (one of the first I heard by him) I felt it was one of the most extra ordinary things I had ever heard. Of course may will say. "but the "ocean" is so overplayed. How can you like that?" Blah. I don't care. Countless people have critized composers and they have all ended with the same result. Nothing happens and few care. If anything it draws more attention to the composer which apperently he didn't deserve in the first place. And then there's the music. Its still there no matter what you think of it and it won't change. Enjoy it if you want, but if you don't, then don't. Chopin is simply there giving us his music. Of couse there are others composers peoplelike that may not be as popular. Who gives a *** though? I like what I like and I'll play what I want. Apperently he did something right because the piano repetoire is still ripe with his music. What more do you need of a composer other than music? Good music? Not popular, overplayed music? Ok fine. Whatever...-Tony-
I tend to find that the more educated a musician comes the more common it becomes to dismiss Chopin as stupid melodies and corny piano music.
Antnee, aah, saying Chopin is overrated makes me an anti-music person? Huh?
The melodies are very good. But there is nothing amazing about his music. Its enjoyable but nothing special. Unless you are a uneducated pianist it seems. I wonder why.
Jas, I don't understand your point. How do the things you say disprove the things I said?
Chopin surely understanded music, but he didn't understand composition.
I don't agree that only "uneducated" people think Chopin's music has worth, that's all.
t's only in the past 400 years or so that people have developed this weird idea that music is only worthy if it's crammed into one of a few moulds. And only in the West.
So why does Chopin's popularity make him overrated?
Some of you make it sound like high treason to dislike Chopin- who are you to tell someone that his own personal preference "makes him sound like he doesn't know what he is talking about"?
Well, that's completely untrue. A huge number of scholars have spent years on Chopin's works. I'm not uneducated. I -- and any number of other people here -- can recognise that as far as traditional musical structure is concerned, Chopin's music doesn't cut it. But the point is that that doesn't matter because to many, that's not what's important. We don't all listen to music in order to be able to hear its individual components and their relationships to each other. Some listen to it as a whole. Is that wrong? And what is "traditional" or a "proper" structure in music, anyway? If you take Beethoven's death as the end of form-obsessed Classicism (and I know I'm generalising but there was a significant change there, most agree), then there's been over 150 years since that time in which enormous changes have occured in the field of music. It has progressed (and, some might say, regressed) rapidly. Very rapidly. And yet, for some reason, some people still look back to the 18th/early 19th centuries for a model of what music is supposed to sound like.Personally, I have never seen any "point" to music. I don't care if a composer has no idea what sonata form is. It takes a certain kind of musical mind -- genius? I don't know -- to have the ability to consistently write music that people love, that says something to people. And that's an ability not many people have and one that I don't think should be belittled.As for Chopin in particular, for those who think he's overrated, would it be better if you could persuade a few million people to do the "correct" thing and vote for Bach, Beethoven or Mozart in online polls? Just to move Chopin the upstart down a few places to where he should be? And for those who were horrified to see Mozart and Rachmaninoff or whoever lower than you expected, would you have voted for them? Or do you just expect other people to? It appears that a lot of people think the same way -- they vote for who they like best, not who tradition tells them they should, but are then shocked when someone like Chopin comes out top because ... well, that's not the way it's supposed to be, is it?I think it's very interesting. Even if he were universally adored, to the annoyance of many, that wouldn't make his music of lesser value. The fact that his music isn't obscure or esoteric, or isn't a defining example of what a fugue should be doesn't mean that it's less worthy than something that is. It's just different. My point being, so what if he's well-loved (I don't agree with the term overrated because that suggests that it's okay for people to like him as long as there aren't too many of them), even moreso than the most celebrated composers? Are you going to let that taint your own (possible) enjoyment of his music?Jas
im going to attempt the impossible and side with a white man for this one......over rated?..compared to?..beethoven?..mozart?..good ol bach n rach n fach?seriously.. two are trying to parrallel two different worlds*morphs into a robot*self believes this is like comparing apples to oranges...tampons to pads..starbucks to jamba juice...self doesnt see the viability in objectively evaluating two that are not of justifiable and universally agreeable origins that attribute similarities to execute such judgements of comparison..aside from MUSIC BEING MUSIC...self believes we are bored assholes when we resort to the point where we bash on composers..*morphs into steinwayguy*what you *** idiot?..what you say?..your ignorant fool?..yes i know this...*morphs into Bernhard*Sir Daevren...i strongly and peacefully advise you to harness your capacity to reason, to better govern your emotions to induce judgement that is worthy of goodness, in its entirely and absolute, unchanging nature. Music is art in form of liquids as if molds to the perspective of one's mental cup, vase, pitcher, bucket, or toothpaste cup....let philosophy guide you my son...*morphs into Bob*OMG what you have just said in regards to Chopin's music has put my snails to death!!..how dare you! _@_...._@_....\@_...ah one still lives...carry on...*morphs into tash*i will paint a picture in oils and acrylics of Chopin punching you in the face for speaking such blasphemy in the name of Chopin and his greatness*morphs into Rob47*you know i agree with Daevren...Chopin couldnt even top 2pac and his thuggish appeal...EAST SIDE!!!!*morphs into Janice*you know..this discussion would be great for an AIM chat room..or better yet!..we should meet up on 6PM Pacific Standard time this friday and discuss this issue here on the PF Chat room..see you guys then *morphs into mikeyg*KAHH MEEEHH!!..HAAA MEEEEEE...HAAAAA!!!!!*morphs into Jenni R*hAhahHAahaha im sooso dryunk rightt noiww..Choopin isnt oveerrated..hiisss sooo OVErrPLAYTED..geet it?1?..it rhymesss hahahagga!!!1111one*morphs into BreadBoy*i LOVE chopins music what are you talking about?...i have no hands..no feet..no limbs at all actually..i have no idea what a piano is..and i have narcolepsy..but i started learning his fantasie impromptu...its such an awesome piece i think i can get it in a few days looks pretty easy*morphs into Nils Johan*behave people*morphs back into siberian husky*for those of you i left out..sorry..but its 2:30 AM and i need sleep for work tomorrow..peace out humans
I loved that post. It completely typifies each person!
Huh? You suggest we should call popular composers and music underrated? If he wasn't popular he couldn't have been overrated.
I just think his popularity isn't justified by the skill shown in his compositions compared to other composers, for example Beethoven or Bach.
The only way to rate composers and pieces, I suppose, is personal preference, and that differs from one person to the next, entirely subjective. It's nice though, that this thread has remained civilized unlike the one in the repertoire subforum.
Is Chopin overrated?Of course not. Who is doing this overrating you speak of? To say he's better than Bach or Beethoven would be overrating him, but no one ever says that about Chopin. No one says he's the greatest composer who ever lived. So where is your question coming from?People do say that he is great in a general sense, and whether you happen to like him or not, there's simply no room for disagreement there. His harmonies were extremely novel and innovative, imaginative and colorful. I've analyzed in depth most of the preludes and all of the Ballades so what I'm saying is very well-informed.In terms of his idiomatic writing, he pretty much invented modern piano playing out of the blue. His etudes in particular made demands on the pianist no one else would have dreamt of at the time.Perhaps you think he's overrated in yet another sense--that people play him too much. All I can say to that is that if a composer genuinely appeals to lots of performers and lots of audiences for many years, you can't suppress that or criticize it--it's really the most genuine sign of quality in music. Low quality, trendy music just doesn't attract people from every country and walk of life for hundreds of years.