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Topic: Mason & Hamlin  (Read 1935 times)

Offline catherinel

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Mason & Hamlin
on: June 25, 2005, 04:49:16 PM
Is $32,000 a good price for a new M&H model A?

Offline thalberg

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 02:39:13 AM
Yes, 32,000 is an excellent price.  I sent to M&H for a retail price list, and the model A in Ebony Satin was 46,000.  Ebony Polish is 49,000, and when you get into the brown woods and artcases, a model A can get even more expensive.  So, yes, it's an excellent price.

But beware excellent prices--make sure it's the piano you really want.  I've been posting elsewhere on this board that I just had a bad experience with getting "the buy of a lifetime."  A salesman offered me an insanely low price on a BB, and I was so bowled over I almost bought it.  I didn't want to admit to myself the bass was weak.  I wanted to believe my ears were tricking me.  A salesman said that if it was just that one little part of the piano I didn't like (the bass section) that was a minor detail and I shouldn't let that stop me.  (!!!!)  In the end, I had to face it that I didn't like the piano and forego the good price.  When I cancelled the sale, the salesman said others had bypassed the piano for the same reason--the weak bass.  Now I understand why he offerd the low price right away.  It was a hard piano to sell.

I'm not saying this is the case for you.  I'm saying beware the good price, and make CERTAIN you're going to be happy with that particular instrument.  32,000 is a lot of money--make sure you're getting what you want.  TRUST YOUR EARS, and don't let the salesman put any thoughts in your head, or make you doubt your own impressions.  They'll say anything to make a sale.  Plus, the little impressions you have in the store become BIG, HUGE impressions over many years in your living room. 

Offline catherinel

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 11:02:17 AM
Thanks. I appreciate that and will be careful!

Offline barganax

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 03:35:37 PM
That price seems high to me, given my recent experiences shopping for a BB.

I seem to recall reading something about new models coming out soon. Maybe because of that, there are unusually good deals on M&H at this time because the dealers want to make room for the new models? I honestly don't know and am just speculating here.

Offline lacrossekeys

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 02:23:59 PM

i don't post here often but I felt obliged since I just got an A in February.  Maybe it was because it was built in '04, or perhaps the action was a little aggressive for many,  but mine was significantly less than $32K.  I love everthing about my M&H and can't recommend it highly enough, but, depending on where you live, you should be able to do better than that.


Offline catherinel

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 08:22:03 PM
Thanks all for your replies. SInce I originally posted this several weeks ago, I have looked around. I live in the northeast (US) and looking at pianos in 4 states, the best price seems to be in the low 30's for a Walnut finished new M&H. I have bit the bullet and purchased one today - I should have it in a couple of weeks!

Offline lacrossekeys

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Re: Mason & Hamlin
Reply #6 on: July 18, 2005, 05:56:01 PM
Congratulations!  You will love it.
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