Total Members Voted: 30
Rachmaninoff signed his own name with the ff so maybe the conversation is over?
What's it going to be then, eh?
No more fighting ! Rachmaninovff and Tchaikowvsky !
I guess Tchaikowsky is the German way to spell it- and say it, if they wrote it Tchaikovsky they would be pronouncing it oddly- Tchaikofsky. The same way with the name Volkswagen- Germans pronounce it Folksvagen. V- F W-V.
I see your name is Scriabin, ckprbnh- Do you have a keyboard with the Cyrillic alphabet?... I have a fascination for the Cyrillic alphabet, and Russian... I've learned some by myself. I had trouble going through those Russian sites, but it seems easier after you memorize all the letters and the hard and soft signs. Russian sounds a lot like Portuguese, and I can get confused, if I hear Russian in a glance, I would probably say it is Portuguese.