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Topic: I'm very stupid and immature  (Read 1252 times)

Offline prodigy1220

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I'm very stupid and immature
on: October 16, 2005, 11:13:24 PM
Sorry dansylwan and ian m and to everybody on this site.
i know i've apologized like 100 times and u guys are thinking that i don't mean  single word of it. well you can't be anymore wrong. I want to clean up my reputation as an immature pianist , which i know that is hard to do once i ve posted very dumb comments and threads. Danlyaswan can u please forgive me for that thread about u i typed. I now know anybody can type whatever they wnat and if i disagree with it then i should just ingore it or learn from it . Ian M. sorry very much . you have every right to call me an idiot. Im not really like this in real life i just act like this on the internet. I will never post another crazy and stupid comment again unless i really have to.

So does anybody on this site forgive me and if u don't i really understand because i would'nt forgive my self for being such a jerk

Sorry everyone  :-[

Prodigy1220 :'(

Offline pianowelsh

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Re: I'm very stupid and immature
Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 12:06:14 AM
See my comment on other post! Cheer up buddy  ;D The world is not against you! There is noone perfect. In fact God's word says 'there is No one good (let alone perfect) No not ONE.'  So noone can boast in their niceness. Noone, myself included! (I boast in Christ ;) - who paid for all the times ive been a 'jerk' and fouled up - Do any of us deserve God's forgiveness...NO! but he has offered it anyway - God is an awesome God) Dont be down buddy - talk to God about it (even if your not used to doing so) - He cares and he understands why you do what you do.  Best of all he loves you too, even when your at your worst (me too) thats why he sent his son to take the punishment we rightfully deserve for being goofy and defective and made us right with him by standing in our place - buying our 'forgiveness'. Best bit yet is he rose form the dead and is near to all who call upon him for forgiveness.  Chat with him mate  - he wont cast you out or turn you away.  God is the best cleaner upper there is 'Restoration' is his business and he can take you to depths of maturity you didnt even know where possible.
God Bless you Richly prodigy1220 :D

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