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Topic: Canadian composer's -- need information  (Read 1364 times)

Offline lagin

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Canadian composer's -- need information
on: November 09, 2005, 05:02:26 AM
I need your help everyone, and anyone.  These three works:

"The Contented House," from Canadian composer Jean Coulthard's Canada Mosaic
"Kuyas" from Canadian composer Harry Somer's opera Louis Riel
"String Quartet, no.2 ("Waves"), by Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer

I need information on them really bad for this big test in 4 weeks.  I've asked at the local music store, both my music teacher, the public library, and googled them all more than once, but I can only find limited information.  The bit that I did find was by googling.  I still need the keys of the works, unless they are atonal.  Then I would need to know that, too.  I need any time signatures that they might have, and to know if they are in any type of form or just through composed.  And I need to know the moods of the pieces.  I know what instruments perform them, (i.e. Kuyas - flute, soprano, percussion), but I don't know if any of these instruments have a special role, like a cadenza or something.

So if anyone has any information, or better yet, a copy of the scores, or a recording, I would be so grateful if you could pm me or answer here.  m1469?  Whynot?  You two have rescued me before.  This is my last history test, so do you think you could do it one more time? :-\

Thanks all,
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Offline abell88

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Re: Canadian composer's -- need information
Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 12:56:03 PM
I have no direct info on those pieces, lagin, but you could try here:


Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects

They may very well have scores or could put you in touch with the appropriate publishers/composers.

By the way, how can your teacher assign you pieces that you can't find??

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Re: Canadian composer's -- need information
Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 04:26:18 PM
Canadian Music Centre.  You can call and ask your local brach.  If you live in Canada, you can take out the scores from the library.  They will even mail it to your house. 

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Offline lagin

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Re: Canadian composer's -- need information
Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 04:30:34 PM
Thanks guys.  I contacted the CMC and they are sending me the scores to borrow free of charge!

Oh, and my teacher didn't assign these works.  I could choose from a handful out of the syllabus.  I choose these composers, studied them, and THEN found out I couldn't find the works that go with them.  I'm actually not doing this test with a teacher, per say.  I'm studying on my own, and just borrowing my teacher's resources.

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