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Topic: Considering a Grand!!  (Read 1685 times)

Offline guarnerius

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Considering a Grand!!
on: November 12, 2005, 04:37:22 AM

There is a grand piano in the news paper (2nd Hand).
It is a Yamaha C5
I have phoned them and they said they also bought it second hand from a Shop so it might be a bit old.
When I visit it to have a look...what kind of things can I check (like looking inside the piano or something or testing keys) to see if its in A1 100% condition?...or atleast close to that...
Would I need to hire a person to do it or is it something I can just check?

Offline quantum

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Re: Considering a Grand!!
Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 07:52:05 AM
Tell us where you are located and the seller's price for the piano.  Also you can write down the serial number and check it's age on Yamaha's website. 

Thinkgs you can check for.  Do you like the tone of the piano?  Do you like the touch of the action?  These two of the most important factors, and only the person that will be playing the piano can answer them. 

Other things to look for:  repeat a single note as quickly as possible and listen how accurately the piano responds to the repetitions; check if the voicing is even through out the entire range; see how well the piano "sings" or how long a held note sustains pitch (lyrical pieces are good for this); play scale passages and thick chords and check if the action is too heavy or light; check una corda pedal and how much you like it's tone.  These are only starters, there are many more things that you can look into.

If you are not a pianist, bring someone who is fairly competent at playing.  If you are thinking seriously about it, maybe bring a technician on your second visit. 
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Offline guarnerius

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Re: Considering a Grand!!
Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 09:09:53 AM
It is selling for about $AUD15 000.  In USD its about...11'500..
Im located in Perth, Western Australia
what do you think of a YamahaC5 for a home?
I have been playing piano for about 10years..Takes exams yearly..
My current piano is a Alex. Steinbach 121cm

Offline quantum

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Re: Considering a Grand!!
Reply #3 on: November 12, 2005, 05:17:19 PM
Personally I'd think $11,500 USD is a good deal, if the piano is in good shape.  I don't know the current list pirce for a C5, so you may wish for others to comment.  You may even want to bring another pianist along with you, so you can hear what the piano sounds like from the audience perspective. 

At this price you may certainly wish to have a technician check it out if you are serious in buying.  The piano may need to have voicing and regulation done, and your tech can inform you about this. 

As for C5 in the home, I'd think it's fine.  Just find a big room for it.  I have a C3 myself. 
Made a Liszt. Need new Handel's for Soler panel & Alkan foil. Will Faure Stein on the way to pick up Mendels' sohn. Josquin get Wolfgangs Schu with Clara. Gone Chopin, I'll be Bach

Offline iumonito

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Re: Considering a Grand!!
Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 06:42:19 PM
You being in Australia, I think it would be a crime to buy a piano without the advice of Ron Overs (in Sidney).  Just give him a call or drop him an e-mail.  He is a super nice guy.  (no non-sense, but a really cool mate).
Money does not make happiness, but it can buy you a piano.  :)
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