crap I typoed. it is thalbergmad same funny dude
Best Recordings -- gaer for his Rachmaninov sonata and Le Tombeau de Couperin Preludekoji (tharcozaag) for the Chopin sonata, and Brahms concerto
1. most insightful: toss up between many forumers - so it's hard to narrow down. probably arensky, lostinidlewonder, gaer, nortti, bernhard, quantum, gfiore, mrdavid, gruffalo, oksanapianist, leahcim, saralein... (not in any particular order) 2. best recording - this is sort of unfair because i don't think pianists should be compared with anyone but themselves. keep practicing and don't get discouraged. if you listen to too many really really good pianists - you'll just throw up your hands and say 'i quit.' but, if you hear people who play as well as they can - you think 'ok. i can do it, too.' ps. i still like koji, too! bet there are many, many really good pianists on this forum. haven't listened to all the recordings yet.3. best topics - being a talker, i like all the topics. i don't think there's really been any topics i didn't like. so, i vote for everyone. m1469does bring up the most unusual and insightful questions - and for most responses - she probably takes the cake.4. anything but piano - i like all the topics there, too. not really anyone to take over because everyone seems to input a lot of topics. in terms of personal views on many topics, i agree most with boliver and some others that i am having an 'alzheimer's moment' on their names.5. funniest - thalbergmad, bob, mayla, zheer, siberian (where is he?)ok - i'm sorry if i left anyone out because i'm not really voting for just one person in any category. seems that everyone does a great job of expressing their viewpoints and paris, tash, jenni r are still the hot chicks. and, stevie, prometheus, torp and a few others still the hot guys. is maksim really maksim? did we ever figure that one out. he says he's not maksim but he knows an awful lot about him. oh, and contrapunctus gets the award for having his mind the most made up of what he likes and doesn't like in music. i find it actually refreshing because i was similar at his age and only recently made some concessions (one being chopin's music). and, he plays chess, so that's impressive too. and, well - we had some good discussions on another forum and i think he's pretty smart and gives and takes well one-on-one. i'm sort of that way, too - i feel intimidated by chat rooms.
here is the result as of today:Most Insightful:1. Bernhard2. m14693. Ted4. Bob5. Pianistimo6. StevieBest Recordings:1. Koji or tharcozaag2. Gaer3. Electrafingers4. Bob5. Pianistimo6. StevieBest Topics:1. m14692. lisztisforkids3. Bob4. Pianistimo5. StevieAnything but Piano Topics:1. Ahemidito2. hodi3. Boliver4. Pianistimo5. Bob6. StevieFunniest Forumer:1. Thalbergmad2. Bob3. Tash4. Lau5. Bob6. Stevie7. PianistimoKEEP 'EM COMING PLEASE.Correct me if there is a mistake in this list.Nomination is still open.
are people forgetting the legendary 'comme_le_vent', he was banned but surely his zpirit lives on
haha respectso then shall we put pocorina too
crazy, I updated my nominations post above please check it.
well best recording i may add paris becoz she shows sign of very good playing in her etude (even not that fast)
if it weren't for jenni r's humor - i'd never be on the recording list. (did bob make any either?) ok. i was going to put one on last year when i was practicing up for a recital, but it didn't work out. so anyway, to be honest - i don't HAVE a recording in the recording section. (tear also forms in eye). of course, when i do make a recording it better be pretty good or my teacher will be horrified. as i will, too. basically i am starting from scratch again with this stupid foot. last night i lift it up and down at will, so maybe the next couple months will be good.i nominate gaer in my place. and ivan moravic for most community spirit and very insightful. you know, teachers need a lot of this to maintain enthusiasm - and i like how ivan is light hearted and not making this a heavy competition. remembering names is hard enough for me as a teacher. i have to write everything down now.there are many unmentioned people that are the humble sort that probably play really well and give excellent advice and listen really closely - and are probably great teachers, too. you never know who you are talking with.
How about an award for the best signature to???
I really believe thalbergmad should win for funniest posts. Anyone can just type a whole bunch of "nonsense" down. I am just an immature, almost-15-year-old. Thalbergmad deserves it much more than I. Go for the good choice.
You may only be 15 years old, but you have great taste.
yes thalbergmad absolutely cracks me up. im 17 but i totally get your humour its great. i love randomness. i will post a random video soon that me and my friends made. you will all love it.
He's young enough not to have heard them before No, no I'm just kidding, but to make a different point about old things. Some of the piano recordings weren't made in 2005, does that matter?I know this isn't the Oscars just a bit of fun, but I could see xxxx winning year after year either with the same post [unless you only count posts made in 2005] and/or the same piece(s) [unless you count only pieces they recorded in 2005] Perhaps the nominations for audition room should have been for a specific recording of a piece of music, rather than just by name?