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Topic: Piano Levels  (Read 1379 times)

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Piano Levels
on: January 09, 2006, 06:55:40 AM
Hi, simple question:

i always wanted to know how is the Piano level, labled on cds, books or here in the download section related to the difficulty level. apparently is 1 the easiest level and level 8+ are the more difficult levels. so heres the point. does it mean for example for level 2 pieces like the pachebel canon, that you should have piano experience like a guy, who plays the piano for 2 years, or is it a kind of system established from some dudes?  answers/replies greatly appreciated.

if this topic has been alreay mentioned before, please show me where.  :)
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Re: Piano Levels
Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 07:47:05 AM

I think that the pieces are graded according to their difficulty. There really is no one grade for every piece nor do the difficulties are same for everybody. One might find a perticular piece easy while another the same piece hard. There really shouldn't be a grading system for pieces. The pieces should be played for the music and the pieces themselves, not for the grade they are restricted to. Pieces are boundless.

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