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Topic: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!  (Read 1941 times)

Offline ivrier

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Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
on: March 20, 2006, 03:30:14 PM
In close inspection during my first tuning at home I noticed a crack on the plate of my brand new Perzina 6'1 grand piano. It did not look like a chip paint. My tuner could not figure out what it really was. He's blind and 79 years old. By the way, he uses his tuning fork to tune the piano and he surely is knowledgeable. I didn't really inspect the piano closely when I made the purchase though. The dealer is willing to have it changed for a new one though.

I live in the Northwest US and I keep the humidity levels at 37 to 41% and temperature of 68 to 71 Farenheit.

Offline g_s_223

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Re: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
Reply #1 on: March 20, 2006, 06:43:10 PM
You might want to post this on Piano World as well - a lot of good techs there: https://www.pianoworld.com

Offline gfiore

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Re: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 07:06:20 PM
 It's hard to tell from the picture, but I would strongly reccomend changing the piano if the dealer will allow this.  It's possible that it's only a a crack in the plate primer and lacquer surface finish sustained from something dropping or hitting the plate. It's a weird area on the plate for any damage from a manufacturing step to occur.                                     
George Fiore  aka "Curry"
 Piano Technician serving the central New Jersey Area.
My piano- A 2004 Bosendorfer Model 214 #47,299 214-358

Offline ivrier

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Re: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
Reply #3 on: March 20, 2006, 08:26:24 PM
Thanks for the comments. I honestly do not want to have this piano changed. I fell in love with it more since the last tuning. The keys squeaked, but a little teflon powder on the knuckles eliminated it totally, increased the responsiveness and made the touch acceptably lighter.

The tuner told me that the knuckles were too dry and that the teflon would make a difference. Would dry knuckles and a crack on the plate suggest a too dry environment. How much dryness of the air will a crack a plate of this strength?

Offline gfiore

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Re: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
Reply #4 on: March 20, 2006, 08:50:02 PM
 Plates don't crack because of air, humidity, or temp. Plates crack because of weak spots in the casting, or they were not seasoned for the proper length of time before installation.  The only other time that I know of as a legitimate cause for a plate to crack is when it is dropped by accident in the rebuilders shop, or a severe fall when the piano is being moved.
 The knuckles were'nt too dry. it's the quality of buckskin that Detoa uses in their action parts.(prone to squeaking because the stretch the buckskin too tight when making the knuckle). Believe me, the squeaks will return.
   Again, dump this piano and find another. The plate anomoly looks very suspicious to me.  If you like the piano, and the dealer will replace it, do so.
George Fiore  aka "Curry"
 Piano Technician serving the central New Jersey Area.
My piano- A 2004 Bosendorfer Model 214 #47,299 214-358

Offline ivrier

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Re: Help!!! I found a crack on my plate!!
Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 04:07:12 AM
Here is an overview picture.
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