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Topic: International summer piano festival school(for british folks)  (Read 1533 times)

Offline stevie

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who else is thinking of going? tis for all ages

Offline henrah

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Wow, that looks really cool! It mentions a summer school, and D & B Steinways...nice!

Me is deffo givin it a look over 8)
Currently learning:<br />Liszt- Consolation No.3<br />J.W.Hässler- Sonata No.6 in C, 2nd mvt<br />Glière- No.10 from 12 Esquisses, Op.47<br />Saint-Saens- VII Aquarium<br />Mozart- Fantasie KV397<br /

Offline e60m5

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Something I would definitely attend were I not working in law firms this summer would be the Oxford Philomusica International Piano Festival.

A list of past faculty members and attendees includes Rosalyn Tureck, John Lill, Menahem Pressler, Maria Curcio, Charles Rosen, Cristina Ortiz, Dmitri Alexeev, Oxana Yablonskaya, Jean-Bernard Pommier, Peter Katin, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Dmitri Bashkirov, Alexander Satz, Cyprien Katsaris, Joanna McGregor, Boris Berman, Julius Drake, Peter Jablonski, Hamish Milne, Bernard Roberts, and Piers Lane.

Not bad, right? For the Katsaris fans out there especially  8)

Plus, I've met with the man in charge; Marios is an absolutely great guy. I'm not just plugging my university; look at the list of past pianists who have appeared there.

The faculty for this year is:

Judith Burton
William Fong
Alexis Golovin
Gary Graffman
Niel Immelman
Vladimir Krainev
John Lill
Ronan O'Hora
Marios Papadopoulos
Melvyn Tan
Malcolm Troup
Roger Vignoles
Veda Zuponcic

The faculty speaks for itself. Probably an easier way to study with Graffman than by getting into Curtis!

...Well, reading about this makes me rue working at Minter this summer.  >:(

Offline pianist52

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I've just been sent the Chetham's info and a super line-up of teachers. Has anyone been in past years who could advise which course to consider? I've got an Masters in performance, but haven't done anything very serious for last 3 years and have no access to a teacher here.
It's certainly whetting my appetite!

Pianist52 :P

Offline gruffalo

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i guess the oxford one is better timing for me (get my exam results towards the end of august). didnt mention composition classes though. i have been composing wildly recently and i just need some criticism from some people. im defo going to one of them. Paul, it didnt say how much it costs for the Oxford week.

Offline henrah

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e60m5, the Oxford Philomusica International Piano Festival is a great festival! I had the pleasure of seeing the Grieg concerto performed by a student (methinks) which was real good, but one of the horn players was off a bit and the orchestra overall was a bit too loud. I also saw Joanne McGregor play the Goldberg variations, as well as a few tangos (in one she held down the sustain pedal, put her finger on a bass note and played it repetitively for a while, thus making all the other notes resonate and created a wonderful sound which she then carried on with whilst playing). Cyprien Katsaris was also good, his Bach's famous toccata and fugue piano transcription was real good.

I also saw the Grieg Concerto played by Freddy Kempf with Marios Papadapolous (sp?) at the Sheldonian, and there was a really sulken looking violinist with a huge face, very similar to that guy who played Hercules in the TV show, and also was in Andromeda. He looked unhappy throughout; but Marios' head shaking was real funny, it was like he was saying 'no' to some parts, and his hair was really shaky but kept its form, like jelly :P

Funny story: When me, my sister and two of my friends went to see Cyprien Katsaris play at the Hollywell music room (such uncomfortable seats) he played quite a few encores, and when he went off for the third of fourth time, my friend and my sister stood up and started walking down the steps. He came back on, and they sat down on the stairs right next to Marios Papadapolous (who's Katsaris' cousin is he not?). My friend then said 'for ****'s sake' because she got impatient and Marios gave her a real evil look! When we went to see Freddy Kempf perform the Grieg Concerto, when he walked out he gave her another evil look!!
Currently learning:<br />Liszt- Consolation No.3<br />J.W.Hässler- Sonata No.6 in C, 2nd mvt<br />Glière- No.10 from 12 Esquisses, Op.47<br />Saint-Saens- VII Aquarium<br />Mozart- Fantasie KV397<br /

Offline henrah

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Woah, £250 fee???? That's crazy, but worth it! Don't think I have the money though............... shame..... :'(
Currently learning:<br />Liszt- Consolation No.3<br />J.W.Hässler- Sonata No.6 in C, 2nd mvt<br />Glière- No.10 from 12 Esquisses, Op.47<br />Saint-Saens- VII Aquarium<br />Mozart- Fantasie KV397<br /

Offline pianowelsh

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£250 isnt bad some of them are much worse!! the courses are getting so expensive they are becoming the preserve of the monied elite! some ive been looking at are nearly £1000 pounds and some dont even cover all of your accomodation expenses for that.  I think the organisers need to start taking note that these costs are putting young pianists in an awkward position of not developing as pianists OR going into major debt!  If you have a student loan of £20-25k the last thing you want to do is blow £1000-1.5k on a summer school - where lets face it you may or may not recieve good/positive instruction!
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