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Topic: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang  (Read 2513 times)

Offline sunnycmajor

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Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
on: March 24, 2006, 04:54:30 AM
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Offline Waldszenen

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 10:44:13 AM
Why we'd want to know any more about Lang Lang is a mystery in itself...  ::)
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Offline crazy for ivan moravec

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 12:19:59 PM
f**k, i checked his concert schedule... hahahahaha, that's no schedule of a musician. he's an entertainer as of now. one day he will have to stop doing that or he won't make it long. poor artists, being exploited under these big contracts.

i've read that Kissin maintains a number of concerts a year only, not as much as LL.
Well, keep going.<br />- Martha Argerich

Offline mutedstring

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #3 on: March 24, 2006, 06:22:54 PM
He's a fine boy... leave him along, lol...

thx for the links btw.

Offline crazy for ivan moravec

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #4 on: March 24, 2006, 08:34:19 PM
ok ok, i'm envious of him.:) but there's some truth to it. :) i just hope this talent doesn't go to waste.
Well, keep going.<br />- Martha Argerich

Offline kreso

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #5 on: March 24, 2006, 08:45:35 PM
Two weeks ago, I listened Lang Lang in Zagreb.
He played Chopin's First Piano Concerto in e-minor.
It was one of the greatest expirience in my whole life!!
The performance was stunning-I would say that he plays his OWN Chopin-the pianissimos were so genial,
you could heard every detail, each note he played with eleganze, and his colours of the sound are fenomenal!!
As an encore he played Chinese piece-moonlight reflections on a river. And the public went wild!
After his playing he was signing his cd Memory. I got his autorgam!!! He was so nice and kind...
He is really one of the greatist living pianists in the world!!

I just want to say that he is developing his talent, and that each new performance is unique expirience and every time better!

Online perfect_pitch

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #6 on: March 25, 2006, 02:33:01 AM
He is really one of the greatist living pianists in the world!!

You're an idiot....

The truth is he's shoving real pianists out of the spotlight and hogging the limelight... WHY??? Because there are so many people who wouldn't know a proper pianist from some over eccentric weirdo who thinks that Playing Piano is some sort of joke.

Offline sunnycmajor

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #7 on: March 25, 2006, 06:44:44 AM
If all you can think of when mentioning LL is rolling eyes, waving arms at the end, you're missing big. One's style is highly objective and can only be a surface issue sometimes. It can change over time as well. Technique is the center issue in piano playing (yah yah, many ppl must have frawns reading this), because it affects every legato, every staccato, etc. you play. W/o the technique, no matter how you interpretate a work, it's only mimicing your own imagined interpretation, just like those mimicking the famous paintings. It can appear to be very similar or even fake the real work at 1st glance, but if you do understand the original and look closely, you see the difference. The movement of every stroke just can't be exactly the same, and most of the time, you may find the color a bit off.  It's of no value. I'm not interested in every pianist on the piano stage nowadays, because not all have THE technique. LL's just clearly superb in all the pianists alive, actually, I want to say the best.

Of course, the interpretation can't be just anything since the music does have scores, duh. LL's playing does have more drama and is more sensual, but I don't find it offensive to the scores (Even at times I do, he has explanations for doing so, e.g. the composer's own playing is against his own score, etc. lol). Of course he has to mature, settle down his temper a little bit (just a little bit at appropriate times), then he's sure to last. Btw, he already stopped making "funny faces", the only "style issue" of  his that bothered me. I think the upward face, leaning back,  waving arms, etc. are just so trival or commonly seen in many other great concert pianists in the history.

and... I heard ppl call him not a serious musician? You can say he has mannerism, but you can't say he's not a serious musician. If he's not, I don't think anyone is.... sorry to the musicians here...

his 24 yrs of life have been all about music. ever since he was little he practiced something like 8 hours a day. When he's at the age for school, he only goes to school half day in order to be able to practice the other half of the day before he went to the conservatory when he really had the excuse to practice even more. At Curtis, he had to be kicked out of the practice room everyday. His life's all about playing the piano! Then he was lucky to have the opportunity to start out his career, and ever since he has been playing concerts almost everyday. You're saying he's not a serious musician? Show us how serious you are! How much more serious can one be??!!

If anyone here could be so determined, hard-working, daring to go down ONE PATH and sacrifice other opportunities, pleasure, etc., you'll stand out in that path you chose, there's no doubt! Just that not many ppl dare to do something without a "backup plan", but when you are spending the energy on that backup, you're alread behind in the path you chose, then you start to wonder around, then you end up being ordinary... not that being ordinary is bad, but one thing for sure, those who dare to fight for one path just can't be not serious...  it takes courage and passion - great things for life...

End of speech... thanks... 8)

Offline nicco

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #8 on: March 25, 2006, 07:46:48 AM
Amen to that sunny.
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Offline cherrysoda

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #9 on: March 25, 2006, 09:20:19 AM
is it just me or is he chubby?

Offline crazy for ivan moravec

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #10 on: March 25, 2006, 07:02:19 PM
he's a serious pianist, not so much of a serious musician, at least for now (am still giving him a chance coz he's young). if i was to look at him as a musician, he's way down there. i'm sorry but i suddenly thought of him this way after i heard his Traumerei, his brahms intermezzo in A, rachmaninoff 2nd sonata... that is no way of a serious musician's approach to such beautiful music.

i bet there are so many people who are more determined and hardworking than LL. you never know, lol, and i'm pretty sure as talented as he is. when you have Gary Graffman as teacher and Curtis as ur school, you can and will afford to go down to ONE PATH and forget about any back-up, and not many people do that because they don't have those opportunities.

being ordinary is thinking you are ordinary. i may be ordinary or even crap compared to LL, but i'm happy with where the direction of my playing is going to (my goal is solely improvement). that for me is more important. and that makes me not ordinary.

the debate about technique or musicality as the center issue of piano playing shouldn't exist. both are equally important. no legato or staccato will ever be heard if a pianist has no idea of ever doing it... and no legato or staccato will ever be heard if a pianist has no technique in doing it. LL can do anything with his technique, no doubt. but i doubt his ideas to create better music. i think that at his age, he should start expanding his horizon and not just stick to piano playing. with his concert schedule, i don't think he'd ever grow as a person. that's what i'm afraid of for him. everything has to be balanced. being a serious musician is not about a 200 concerts/year career. and don't say that he's doing it to 'bring music to the people' coz i'm sure there are others who can share the load of work.

don't get me wrong, i'm not putting him down. but i'm not a big fan. i love his haydn sonata in C, i hate his rach 2. i love his liszt don juan reminiscences, i generally hate his chopin playing. i hate his sound/tones, but i love to hear the passion in his playing. i giggle at his funny faces and movements, but i'm in awe of his incredible fingers. i like how he changes colors with his dynamic control coz the intentions are well said and meant, but i hate it when he does some rubato which sometimes gives me the impression that he's trying to imitate "old playing" (hoffman, rachmaninoff, etc.).

LL and i have a common friend. that friend told me that LL's planning to stop the hectic concert schedule after this contract and work on his music for a while. i hope this pushes thru coz it will be good.
Well, keep going.<br />- Martha Argerich

Offline maxine

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #11 on: March 30, 2006, 02:26:53 PM
I know alot of pp are probably gonna trash me for this. I dun like LL. It's awfully tiring to watch him play... it's like running a magnifying glass through every little detail... so mentally exhausting.lol  ;D

Offline franzliszt2

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #12 on: April 06, 2006, 08:54:39 AM
I reallylike Lang Lang, its nice to see an original pianist who isn;t like the average conservatoire pianist

Offline alwaystheangel

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #13 on: April 07, 2006, 01:49:20 AM
and so the controversy begins:
"True friends stab you in the front."      -Oscar Wilde

Offline sevencircles

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #14 on: April 07, 2006, 10:13:52 AM
I remember hearing him play a duet with his dad on Erhu.

I soon stopped  listening to Lang´s playing and was all focused on the amazing tone his dad got out of the Erhu.

I was really dissapointed when his dad left and Lang started playing solo.

Offline crazy for ivan moravec

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Re: Interesting stuffs about Lang Lang
Reply #15 on: April 09, 2006, 04:03:33 PM
I remember hearing him play a duet with his dad on Erhu.

I soon stopped  listening to Lang´s playing and was all focused on the amazing tone his dad got out of the Erhu.

I was really dissapointed when his dad left and Lang started playing solo.

yeah, IMO, his dad is a great musician. lang lang has to eat some more dimsum in order for him to achieve such musicianship.;D
Well, keep going.<br />- Martha Argerich
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