so i was having a chat with another pianist the other day about how we should try playing some pop music since we're going to be school music teachers, so i went home and had a little sightread of vanessa carlton's 1000 miles (no i do not own it it was in my friends' guitar case she lent me!) and got 3 notes into it and was like what- cos i know how it goes, and where i expected there to be an accent it didn't appear to be in the notation- the notes weren't grouped correctly for the pulse to be in the right place. so it really should be not in 4/4 but 8/8 so you can group it with 2 groups of 3 quavers and 1 group of 2 quavers, then it's all good. so honestly, if you're going to write pop music, the least you can do is put it in the right time signature, because it's giving a lot of misconceptions to all those who place the piece!agh that's my rant for the day i'm so annoyed at it!