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Topic: How Long Before Tuning New Piano  (Read 2114 times)

Offline Karin

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How Long Before Tuning New Piano
on: June 25, 2002, 05:35:00 PM
We bought a new to us piano.  How long should we have it in our house after the move before the tuning?

Thx, Karin

Offline ludwig

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #1 on: July 07, 2002, 03:05:19 AM
Hey Karin, was the piano you bought brand new? And also is it a grand? I also just bought a grand piano, I had it tuned the day it arrived, then the tuning guy said I should get it tuned about every half a year, he said it depended on how much I play on it, the humidity in your house, and what range of registers I use (most)... So I reckon you should ask a tuner to come and have a look at it, or maybe your piano teacher would know?
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Offline Brian Lawson, RPT

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #2 on: July 09, 2002, 08:21:25 PM
If you bought it new then probably three times within the first year and at least one of those should be included in the price.  If bought second hand then anytime after delivery, if the piano was in one climate e.g near the coast and now is inland, also expect to have several tunings as it acclimatizes.
Brian Lawson, RPT
South Africa

Offline Karin

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #3 on: July 17, 2002, 06:57:35 PM
Our piano is about 1981 or so.  I thought the tuning would happen right after the move (local) but we haven't been contacted.  The purchase includes a free tuning.

Thanks for the responses.


Offline rachfan

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #4 on: January 19, 2003, 05:12:26 AM
When I bought my new Baldwin Model L grand (6' 3"), Baldwin tuned it at the shop, and then very shortly after delivery.  The next tuning was about three months later.  That was followed by yet another tuning about six months later.  So it took four tunings (including the one at the dealer's shop) within the first 12 months.  Then I went onto an annual schedule.  The reason a new piano needs frequent tunings during the first year is that the strings are being stretched around the pins, and their slackness is being pulled taught.  Once that works itself out, the tuning  becomes stablized.  If you are playing the piano quite regularly, consider two tunings per year rather than one.  It'll keep the sound pleasing to your ears, and if you are recording pieces, your recordings will sound much better as well.
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Offline tosca1

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #5 on: January 19, 2003, 10:20:04 AM
Unless the piano is badly out of tune, it makes sense to tune it after about week or so in its new home so that the instrument can  first adjust to its new environment in terms of temperature and humidity.  

A brand new piano that has not fully settled can be problematic and can lack tuning stability.  As Rachfan sensibly explains, at least four tunings in the first year for a brand new piano is ideal.

It is then easier for the tuner to "refine" the tuning  which of course will greatly enhance the sound of the piano.

After the first year or two, maybe two tunings a year will be sufficient for a piano, but possibly more if the instrument is subjected to lots and lots of playing.


Offline classicarts

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 09:53:48 AM
You should wait three weeks before your piano gets its first tune.  It has to get used to the environment and humidity.  If you own a upright, once a year is enough for a tune.  Grand piano's once or twice a year depending on the environment. 

Offline sonatainfsharp

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Re: How Long Before Tuning New Piano
Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 05:02:53 PM
When I bought a new piano 15 years ago, we got a free tune, but we still has to set it up--the only difference was the tuner billed the store instead of us. Keep that in mind.
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