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Topic: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?  (Read 2424 times)

Offline nanabush

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Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
on: September 01, 2006, 02:31:52 AM
Today I was alone in my house, all the lights were off cept in the sun room where my piano is... it's dark out now, and there's huge windows behind me... my house is very long, and this room is at one end... there's two rooms that connect to the sunroom, both doors open and with lights out... I'm playing and in the piano I can see the reflection of the big windows behind me which reflects the pitch black doorways... I'm also in the forest, so no lights  8)

I was playin normal stuf, then I started improvising... just fewlin around then started playin slowly and quietly Ab - D - F - D - Ab... etc... I was like oooh this is creepy, then it started developpin into a creepy tune hahaha... so i'd be playin these notes quietly, then I'd randomly throw in bashing chords/// while playin all I see is the two pitch black doorways; started becoming paranoid and just left the piano... I also havn't had much sleep this week so I'm not really 'all there' right now... all I know is that I pretty much creeped myself out and stopped playin piano  :-\  this happened to anyone before?  It's happened like once to me, a loong time ago when I was younger  ;)
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Offline quasimodo

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 02:38:50 AM
Didn't you realize that what scared you is that the piano was playing itself some extra notes you weren't playing  8)?
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Offline jre58591

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 03:03:39 AM
you were playing a diminished chord, so i can understand why you scared yourself.
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Offline nanabush

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 03:18:56 AM
Dude I know it was a diminished chord  :P I was just like so into it and it suited the 'atmosphere' of my house
Interested in discussing:

-Prokofiev Toccata
-Scriabin Sonata 2

Offline invictious

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 12:41:12 PM
once i was playing piano in the dark, and I was a bit drowsy.

I started improvising on my style (pesante, somewhat creepy too) and I swore, I thought the piano added a few extra notes.
Bach - Partita No.2
Scriabin - Etude 8/12
Debussy - L'isle Joyeuse
Liszt - Un Sospiro

Prokofiev - Toccata


Offline pianowolfi

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 06:02:27 PM
Didn't you realize that what scared you is that the piano was playing itself some extra notes you weren't playing  8)?

That happened to me twice. My Roland digital piano played some extra notes I didn't play myself. Very creepy. And once I was sleeping. Suddenly I woke up because there were coming bashy sounds from my acoustic Grand. I was alone in the flat. Very creepy. Obviously it was a dream but it sounded so real. :o

Offline ihatepop

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 10:14:54 AM
Dude I know it was a diminished chord  :P I was just like so into it and it suited the 'atmosphere' of my house

Heres a good solution to your 'fear' problem.


Buy a new house.


Offline rc

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #7 on: September 04, 2006, 03:57:44 AM

I'm really good at scaring myself.  An idea will creep into my head and my imagination will spin it...  Before long I'm sitting in the dark, unable to sleep because I've convinced myself that demons are watching me.

Offline ted

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #8 on: September 04, 2006, 08:51:36 AM
In a sense, yes. Around thirty-five years ago I wrote a small piano piece. Although it exerted no particular power over me, it had an unfathomably curious effect on anyone I played it for. "Horrible", or more often "evil" were adjectives people used to describe it. Some, indeed, forcibly stopped me while playing it for them, saying it scared them silly. None knew of the others' reactions in advance.

The silliest thing of all was that every friend I played it for in person experienced a really horrible event in the weeks following the hearing. Now of course this is coincidence; no causal relationship can possibly exist. Yet however rational we imagine we are, there is a part of our brain which is deeply irrational. After six of these events I stuffed the score under a heap of music and have never played it since.
"Mistakes are the portals of discovery." - James Joyce

Offline arbisley

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 01:40:49 PM
Why not record it and post it to see what others think?

Offline pianowolfi

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 06:16:34 PM
In a sense, yes. Around thirty-five years ago I wrote a small piano piece. Although it exerted no particular power over me, it had an unfathomably curious effect on anyone I played it for. "Horrible", or more often "evil" were adjectives people used to describe it. Some, indeed, forcibly stopped me while playing it for them, saying it scared them silly. None knew of the others' reactions in advance.

The silliest thing of all was that every friend I played it for in person experienced a really horrible event in the weeks following the hearing. Now of course this is coincidence; no causal relationship can possibly exist. Yet however rational we imagine we are, there is a part of our brain which is deeply irrational. After six of these events I stuffed the score under a heap of music and have never played it since.

Yes, you should post it. Do you have a name for it?I suggest "The Voodoo Prelude"  ;D

Offline jas

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 07:41:20 PM
My CD player comes to life during the night now and again. I don't know why because it doesn't happen every night and it happens at all different times. But anyway, it's not nice. Think how you'd feel if Alanis Morissette suddenly started screeching in your room at a high volume in the middle of the night. *Shudder*

In a sense, yes. Around thirty-five years ago I wrote a small piano piece. Although it exerted no particular power over me, it had an unfathomably curious effect on anyone I played it for. "Horrible", or more often "evil" were adjectives people used to describe it. Some, indeed, forcibly stopped me while playing it for them, saying it scared them silly. None knew of the others' reactions in advance.

The silliest thing of all was that every friend I played it for in person experienced a really horrible event in the weeks following the hearing. Now of course this is coincidence; no causal relationship can possibly exist. Yet however rational we imagine we are, there is a part of our brain which is deeply irrational. After six of these events I stuffed the score under a heap of music and have never played it since.
Have you ever heard of the song "Gloomy Sunday"? Its effects were apparently similar to those you describe. There's some info on it here and here. Spooky. :)


Offline kempff1234

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #12 on: September 11, 2006, 05:40:08 PM
I was once playing mozart's Requiem transcription for piano. It was pitch dark outside and recently we had some sex offender on teh loose in the community. The lights were out so we were using candles (just like Mozart). I swear I saw the reflection of a pair of eyes looking through the window........ writing this is creeping me out...

Offline invictious

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #13 on: September 12, 2006, 02:40:23 PM
Oh yea.

This has happened world wide and it has occasionally been reported.

When at night, there have be cases of acoustic pianos creating bashing diminished minor chords all of a sudden, then stopping.

It's the same with digitals.

Well watch out, it's pretty creepy really
Bach - Partita No.2
Scriabin - Etude 8/12
Debussy - L'isle Joyeuse
Liszt - Un Sospiro

Prokofiev - Toccata


Offline pianolist

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #14 on: September 12, 2006, 07:39:03 PM
In the early 1970s, I used to live and work at the Piano Museum in west London, housed in an old and still consecrated church. I would often work late into the night, till 2 or 3 am, perhaps underneath a grand player piano, retubing or adjusting it in some way. I used a small inspection light, which illuminated as much as I needed, and the rest of the church was dark, because we tried to save money when the public was not around.

Since the church had not been deconsecrated, whenever I lay under the piano, I knew that someone else was lying six feet under me. And of course, the player pianos by definition played themselves. I slept in the old organ loft, and I had to feel my way up there. Frightened yet?

What was more dangerous was that, two floors down from where I slept, we had a drip-feed oil heater, which ran on old sump oil that was donated to the museum by wellwishers. Up where the altar had been, there was a large collection of very old films, on the sort of nitrate material that spontaneously combusts if you sneeze too hard.

About twenty feet outside the exterior wall of the organ loft was the largest gasholder in west London. And of course, all around me was a collection of about 20,000 paper music rolls. It's a wonder I lived to tell the tale...
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Offline yooniefied

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #15 on: September 13, 2006, 08:31:47 PM
No, but the house has scared me away from it numerous times.

The funniest occaision was when I had just purchased a new dishwasher; I knew it had an automatic timer, but I guess since I didn't set it yet, I didn't give it much thought.
So, I sat down a few hours later and became thoroughly engrossed in playing. Next thing I knew, "SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"..! A strange loud, whooshing noise went off!
I nearly fell off the bench...#$%&*!@#!

After a little investigation, I realized it was just the dishwasher. What a letdown, huh?  :P

There was a 200+ year old organ in the chapel of my old school that was rumoured to be "haunted"; I can't say I've personally heard anything from it with my own ears, but coincidentally, I did manage to faint in front of it one time.

Offline lau

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Re: Ever scared yourself away from the piano?
Reply #16 on: September 15, 2006, 12:07:58 AM
one time i saw the dishwasher and a saw steam coming the the vent on it cuz it was drying, and i got really scared because i thought it was going to explode. This was 5 years  ago...so, k.  But i keep having occasions of hearing people when nobody is around and seeing things move in the corner of my eye, sick..
i'm not asian
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