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Topic: AAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1561 times)

Offline justliam

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on: September 02, 2006, 02:26:27 PM
I need to kill something.  I was just attempting the record the first movement of the *cough moonlight* sonata.  Attempting to get an absolutely perfect video of it lol, and I was doing the second take, playing probably the best I ever have, which is rare when I'm recording, and it's directly plugged into the laptop anywho, so no mics and no noise.  My mum who knows I'm recording starts shouting up. " Liaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam" like she does, because she's apparently incapable of walking up a flight of stairs to have a conversation.  "Are you working toniiiiiiiiiight".  Trying to keep my concentration I said "yeh". "What tiiiiiiiiiiiime?" Getting annoyed, "Five." My mum, just trying to be annoying now cos she's like that, "Oh ok, well I'm leaving here at 3:45 if you wanna lift" .  At this point I cock up and start getting very very very annoyed because I know I'll know I wont be playing it that great when Im recording for a while, and every attempt since I'm just far too angry to play it properly.  Anywho, I finally calm down a little, and it starts being bearable again without any random accented loud notes when  I think of what's just transpired lol.  Doing an ok-ish take, when out of the corner of my eye I can see my mum standing on the stairs, looking into the room and laughing. Which naturally angered me further and I've jsut given up for today, and it hopefully it wont bring back hateful memories when ever I play it now.  Grrr, probably typos galore in that passage lol, oh well.  I'm off to kill my Mother now, how very Freudian.
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Offline infectedmushroom

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Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 03:59:53 PM
Haha, I would do the same if I was in your mother's position.  ;D

Offline lau

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Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 04:47:11 PM
at least your mom doesn't whistle to what your playing, that can screw you up
i'm not asian

Offline arensky

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Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 06:19:30 PM
If you acheived that great level of playing once, you'll get there again.  :)  I can relate, I find recording to be a very difficult process.  Record when you're alone in the house to avoid this predicament.  :)

Sorry about your mom, sounds like she's very insensitive and not supportive of your playing. I'd want to kill her too if I were you. But don't. Prisons and psychiatric insttutions are not happy places.  ;)
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Offline nicco

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Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 07:12:07 PM
haha i wanna see that video ;D
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Offline donjuan

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Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 10:19:31 PM
as far as I know, All moms, especially white ones, call like that

yeah Liam, that happened to me a number of times when I was trying to do my recordings on an acoustic piano.

I do them when no one is home so there is no background noise.  So there I am, just about to finish recording Liszt's Ballade No. 2 (about 13 min of recording so far) when I hear the garage door open and then my mom's voice, 'I BROUGHT HOME CHICKEN!! COME AND GET IT'  of course everything was picked up on the recording

I just told her I was recording and she ruined it, but it's ok because she didnt know and in the future to please make sure I'm not recording before yelling etc etc

are you sure your mom knew you were recording? and are you sure she was laughing? if so, that's pretty mean-  You should make farting noises in the background when she's on the phone with grandma.

If not, you might want to invest in some noise cancelling headphones (Sennheiser or Bose are always good) and a 'shut the *** up; recording in progress' sign

but anyway, I agree with Arensky:
If you acheived that great level of playing once, you'll get there again.  :)
if you really feel worthy of playing a perfect video, you should be able to do it consistently.

Offline rc

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Reply #6 on: September 04, 2006, 03:54:09 AM
Hahah, I know what ya mean!

A lot of people just don't understand how important it is to us NOT to ruin the moment.

I remember watching a festival performance, mostly young kids. One overenthusiastic father starts snapping pictures of his son playing, with a bright flash and click that could be heard over the music.  FLASHCLICK, FLASHCLICK, FLASHCLICK...  The guy must've taken 20 pictures, and he absolutely screwed it up for his son.  I felt bad for the kid.  The father was completely oblivious to how much he was distracting his son.

Even when I'm practicing, I'll ask my stepmom if she can give me some quiet for a while, and she wholeheartedly agrees...  Then proceeds to do the dishes in the next room, hahah.  Oh well, I'm flattered she wants to be near to hear me play.
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