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Topic: module with piano sound  (Read 2232 times)

Offline xxxfpnxxx

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module with piano sound
on: September 11, 2006, 03:20:19 PM

Does anyone know a decant sounding module with piano sound. My budget is around $ 500. I now have a yamaha mo8 and the piano sounds of this keyboard suck.


Offline leahcim

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Re: module with piano sound
Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 05:06:00 AM

Does anyone know a decant sounding module with piano sound. My budget is around $ 500. I now have a yamaha mo8 and the piano sounds of this keyboard suck.


I think Gem are releasing some. The X-series stuff with the drake processors - https://www.generalmusic.com/html/newsMain.asp?cnews=79

The pianos, if they are like the promega / prp series are good. Much better than the Yamaha stuff imo. Steinway and Fazioli. They use physical modelling to get Symp res, key off and half-pedalling and dynamics [so there isn't, for example, 3 samples at different velocities or samples with the pedal down. Instead they use a DSP chip to calculate and play the correct harmonics based upon the velocity of the note, and the soundboard / other open dampers. So you get a smooth transition from soft to loud]

That said, it doesn't look like they are released yet. Take their release schedules with a pinch of salt, you may be frustrated waiting for them to appear [at least that was the case with the prp models]

UK and USA prices tend to be high too...if you're in Europe it's probably worth buying directly from Italy.

Offline xxxfpnxxx

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Re: module with piano sound
Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 01:22:26 PM
ok thnx for your reply, but the stuff with half peddal enz doesn't work i think beacause my keyboard doesn't support that (correct me if i'm wrong)

another option is to sell my mo8 and buy an s90es, how is the quality of the samples in that synth. And if i sell my mo8 what price is it worth after 6 months?


PS. sorry for my terrible english, hope you understand it

Offline xxxfpnxxx

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Re: module with piano sound
Reply #3 on: October 09, 2006, 04:10:45 PM
no one?
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