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Topic: LIPC results  (Read 1252 times)

Offline elspeth

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LIPC results
on: September 23, 2006, 09:57:19 PM
1. Sunwook Kim, aged 18, from Korea, played Brahms 1 in the final
2. Andrew Brownell, 27, USA, Prokofiev 3
3. Denis Kozhukhin, 20, Russia, Rach 2
4. Siheng Song, 24, China, Prokofiev 1
5. Sung-Hoon Kim, 28, Korea, Mozart in C minor
6. Grace Fong, 27, USA, Mozart in C

I wanted Denis Kozhukin to win, but did at least manage to pick the top three, even if not in the right order!
Go you big red fire engine!

Offline pianowelsh

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Re: LIPC results
Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 11:35:29 PM
Hi elspeth! Its really exciting isnt it - such a young winner.  I think we should form a jury. i got 1 and 2 (in order) and Had Denis in 2 until I heard concertos tonight!. But all said and done - I think the best man won. It will be very interesting to hear Sunwook in 10 years time - the guy will be utterley incredible if he keeps climbing and jumping the hoops. I cant wait for his debut disc!! Oh Elspeth do you know (being involved with the Leeds) do they still produce a cd of the finalists and any merchandise other than the souvineer programmes (which ARE expensive!!) as I really wanted to let my students hear some of them and wanted to buy one in particular a souvineer (they are pianofile) but other than the programmes there was nothing. I thought they might be able to offer more in the way of media and merchandise??? I had a couple of old records kicking a round (I believe the year Queflec was a finalist!) but I dont know if they still do these and if they do where they can be obtained??! Do you?

Offline elspeth

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Re: LIPC results
Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 07:51:15 AM
They do produce CDs for the competitors so they've got a record of their own performances, but I'm not sure if there are any for public consumption. I suppose there might be, considering Radio 3 were recording it, but I haven't heard of any. With the competition being a charity, I don't think they can justify the expense of turning out good enough quality CDs on their own, it'd make the CD really expensive to buy as the market will be relatively small. I don't know what else you could sell without it looking tacky... In defence of the programmes £3 really isn't expensive in the industry, you can pay more than that relative to content and paper/print quality in lots of places at lots of shows.

We should form a jury! I did pick Andrew Brownell for the minor prize for the Britten, so I'm not bad... I would have had the order Denis, Sunwook, Andrew for   1 2 3, but there's no accounting for taste... but they'll all go on to great things I'm sure. I think the two playing Mozart shot themselves in the feet a bit, they're great pieces but going for delicacy when everyone else is doing fireworks is a very risky strategy.

Where were you sitting for the finals? I was on the ground floor of the hall, on the right as you look at the stage, on Friday and then last night the same side up on the risers behind the orchestra last night.
Go you big red fire engine!

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