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Topic: Pianist Cartoons  (Read 2395 times)

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Pianist Cartoons
on: September 23, 2006, 10:52:28 PM
My music teacher at school mentioned a good cartoonist but i've forgotten his name - i think it began with a "H".
While i'm on the topic, anyone else know of any funny musical cartoons?
I know there are other similar topics, but many go off track to the tom and jerry episodes! I mean still cartoons...
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Re: Pianist Cartoons
Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 11:27:44 PM
Not a cartoon, but there was a Monty Python sketch of Richter playing a concerto while escaping from a straightjacket in a bag...

I think... :-\

Monty Python is good.

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Re: Pianist Cartoons
Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 09:53:17 AM
Not a cartoon, but there was a Monty Python sketch of Richter playing a concerto while escaping from a straightjacket in a bag...

I think... :-\

Monty Python is good.

It's really funny. Stoopid, but funny. :)

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Re: Pianist Cartoons
Reply #4 on: September 24, 2006, 11:09:23 AM
My music teacher at school mentioned a good cartoonist but i've forgotten his name - i think it began with a "H".

Perhaps it was Wilhelm Busch? :D

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Re: Pianist Cartoons
Reply #5 on: November 11, 2008, 04:06:42 PM
My music teacher at school mentioned a good cartoonist but i've forgotten his name - i think it began with a "H".

I know this post is old, but who cares! ;D

I think the name of the cartoonist you are after is Gerard Hoffnung. He was a German cartoonist / artist and musician ( brass player ) born 1925. He did humorous cartoons on the theme of music, some of his illustrations have been made into books.

I have one of his books called The Maestro. Its a series of illustrations of a conductor taking you through the various musical terms, such as 'scherzo' and the conductor is laughing etc.

Theres a funny illustration he did of a pianist at the piano, and the piano has a tap stuck to it, and the pianist is warming his hands up. lol

If you are into illustration his stuff is worth a look. There is a painting by him in the Cartoon Museum in London, and you can buy that book there too. ;) 

other titles by Hoffnung:

The Mestro

Music Festival

The Hoffnung Companion to Music

Musical chairs

Hoffnung's Acoustics
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