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Topic: Music and colds  (Read 2211 times)

Offline ted

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Music and colds
on: June 28, 2007, 06:05:51 AM
Has anybody else found that the cold virus (not influenza) seems to do something to the brain which enhances the creative faculty and playing generally ? I am very sure that this is so, at least for me, but people have looked askance when I have suggested it. Regrettably the benefit does not extend to physical technique, as these viruses often cause pains and so forth in muscles and ligaments. Having probably had more than my share of these otherwise annoying complaints in fifty-nine years, I am quite certain of this peculiar mental effect. 
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Offline Bob

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #1 on: June 28, 2007, 04:57:43 PM
Being sick changes things.  I know food tastes completely different sometimes when I'm sick.  Foods I don't normally like taste good and vice-versa.

And then the body.  And musicality.  If your attitude is different, your playing would be different.  If you are tired or just don't really care, then different things happen in your playing. 

I could see it. 
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Offline rc

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 09:04:28 PM
I've never tried it, but it sounds plausible...  Kind of like being tired or hungover, the mind works a little differently in afflicted states, maybe not enough juice to power the more critical/inhibitive parts of the mind?  Anytime my mind is feeling on the mushy side, the subconscious seems to take a greater role.  Ever been so tired you started hallucinating?

The thing is that having the execution go out the window drives me nuts and so I don't usually try much unless I'm healthy.

Offline thalberg

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #3 on: June 29, 2007, 03:01:02 AM
I know a woman who painted the most beautiful painting ever while she had a fever.  She insists the fever had a lot to do with it.

Offline lau

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #4 on: June 29, 2007, 03:54:03 AM
maybe it's cuz your sick and can't do anything so you focus on piano. perhaps.
i'm not asian

Offline houseofblackleaves

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #5 on: June 29, 2007, 04:02:37 AM
There is a long physical explination, but I won't go in to that.

But I have to say, playing long peices (like the Don Juan fantasy) while you're having a panic attack, or have a fever will make you do some really amazing things.

Just don't play anything furious (Like Corigliano) or you may pass out.

Offline Bob

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 04:20:18 AM
There must be a balance between everything.

I remember something on tv, some special "Look at how they survived this event" show.  The guy got a nail driven through his head, or something like that, and then afterward was much more "aesthetic" and begin doing artwork of horses.  Basically the same person, but a complete change in termperment -- Businessman to artist.

Thinking about it more, in some ways, I think I've felt better when I've had the flu. 
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Re: Music and colds
Reply #7 on: June 29, 2007, 05:56:46 AM
Maybe being healthy is overrated?

Maybe there's some credence to the idea of people whose lives are racked with misery making the best art?

Offline furtwaengler

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #8 on: June 29, 2007, 09:53:38 AM
But I have to say, playing long peices (like the Don Juan fantasy) while you're having a panic attack, or have a fever will make you do some really amazing things.

Wow, why do I think playing the Don Juan Fantasy during a panic attack is not such a good idea? I think I'd stop and turn all of my attention on slowing my racing heart rate down. The one time I had a panic attack I was on the floor and I could actually hear my heart as if I was in an Edgar Allen Poe story...

But on the subject, I do notice a change in focus when I have a cold. Something definitely opens up. Of course this is not counting influenza which knocks me completely out, but there are famous stories of performing through more advanced sickness in music and beyond, such as Jascha Horenstein conducting a full performance of Wagner's Parsifal when he was deathly ill, or in basketball, Michael Jordan dominating an NBA Finals game while stricken with the flu (notably less serious then the former!).
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Offline phil13

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #9 on: June 29, 2007, 07:03:08 PM
Maybe being healthy is overrated?

Maybe there's some credence to the idea of people whose lives are racked with misery making the best art?

Maybe Frederic Chopin was onto something.  ;D

I have not either composed or played piano whil sick, because I get sick very rarely, and when I do, I crash hard. But, the next time I find myself in that circumstance, I'll try to see whether either skill is enhanced.  :)


Offline pianowolfi

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #10 on: June 29, 2007, 07:12:59 PM
When I'm sick I am sick and I am completely busy with being sick, unfortunately, and can't do anything else but work on getting over it :P. When it is already a challenge to get a little sip of water after 2 days of just throwing up every 2 hours (or more often) you don't even THINK of touching a key :P. And that's how "colds" use to occur to me often...

Offline ted

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #11 on: June 30, 2007, 01:49:08 AM
I really meant only a simple head cold, not influenza, fevers, gastric disturbances or more serious illnesses. I too find work impossible with these latter maladies.
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Offline csharp_minor

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #12 on: November 10, 2008, 06:16:28 PM
Has anybody else found that the cold virus (not influenza) seems to do something to the brain which enhances the creative faculty and playing generally ? I am very sure that this is so, at least for me, but people have looked askance when I have suggested it. Regrettably the benefit does not extend to physical technique, as these viruses often cause pains and so forth in muscles and ligaments. Having probably had more than my share of these otherwise annoying complaints in fifty-nine years, I am quite certain of this peculiar mental effect.

Its intresting, I kind of agree with you. I have a cold at the moment :( :-[ and I do find that when I'm under the weather my concentration is better. Like recently I started to flounder with learning Bach's prelude in C major and stoped learning it. But now I have learnt almost all of it as my concentration is better and I am focusing on it more whereas if I was well I would be distracted with learning other stuff. strange!

One thing about having a cold and playing on the piano is I needed to play with a bit of tissue stuffed up my nostril as it was dripping! :-X I also did some Hanon when my hand and arms were aching from being ill, just to see what it is like :o.

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Offline kelly_kelly

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #13 on: November 10, 2008, 08:30:04 PM
Interesting. Personally, I can't focus on anything when I'm sick, even with just a cold (maybe because I get sick so rarely). But I do know that my analytical skills suffer from sickness (even) more than my creative skills, so maybe there is something to it.
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Offline xpjamiexd

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Re: Music and colds
Reply #14 on: November 18, 2008, 10:52:34 AM
Yes strangely I have found that i'm slipping up pysically on quite simple works BUT I last night composed what I feel is one of my best works. I had been searching for the sound for a wile and it just came to me :].

And I get to stay of school ;]
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