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Topic: YAMAHA P250 vs. P120  (Read 3559 times)

Offline trent

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YAMAHA P250 vs. P120
on: April 02, 2004, 11:03:41 PM

Does anybody know if the YAMAHA P250 has a much newer / better technology than the YAMAHA  P120?

I am interrested in the quality of the sound only, no other features.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me,


Offline xvimbi

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Re: YAMAHA P250 vs. P120
Reply #1 on: April 02, 2004, 11:20:10 PM
I checked out pretty much all of Yamaha's P series. They all seem to have very similar if not the same sound modules, but bells and whistles are different. I don't quite remember exactly, but the lower-end P's may not allow half-pedaling, if that's important. Also, sound has a lot to do with speakers, so listening to the P's with headsets on and through speakers will be different. Check for yourself. Also, check out the polyphony - depending on how fast you play and what you play, you may hear dropouts on the lower-end P's.

I personally recommend the PF-500, which is practically exactly the P250 without the keyboard items like pitchbend wheel, equalizer, lots of instruments, etc. The PF-500 focuses pretty much on the piano aspect, it comes with three pedals and a stand and seems to be the best choice for people interested in classical music, apart from the CVP Clavinovas.

Offline Plaz

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Re: YAMAHA P250 vs. P120
Reply #2 on: April 03, 2004, 08:32:05 AM
I agree with xvimbi about the PF-500.  With a good set of headphones, this is the best sounding keyboard for the money that I've found.  The built-in speakers don't do it justice, in my opinion.

Offline Andreas Neider

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Re: YAMAHA P250 vs. P120
Reply #3 on: April 08, 2004, 06:37:22 PM
The P-250 soundengine is identical with the PF-500 soundengine, and it´s the best, Yamaha can offer until now, but the PF-500 has two-way speakers, the P250 only oneway, because it´s a stage piano. I myself bought the P250, because of the performance-function, with which you can store your favourite sounds and layers.

Offline classicarts

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Re: YAMAHA P250 vs. P120
Reply #4 on: October 20, 2005, 03:27:14 AM
The p-250 is Yamaha's newest of their digital pianos in upper class.  I've owned a P-250 and I loved every aspect of it.  However, I should of gotten the PF-500 knowing it focuses on more on the piano aspect.  Whereas, the P-250 is more of a stage digital piano.   :)
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