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Topic: Quatuor pour la fin du temps  (Read 1404 times)

Offline rachmaninova

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Quatuor pour la fin du temps
on: May 14, 2008, 06:21:22 PM
Hello dear friends!

I don't know if this is the right board to come to this matter, but I have to do a paper on Messiaen's "Quatuor pour la fin du temps". I have to analyse several of the movements and I ask you if you know some articles or even books about this subject. I'm not looking for the "story" of this quartet, but for a thorough analysis in the terms of Messiaen's compositional theory (modes of limited transposition, ...) which I already explored considerably by devouring his treaties of rhythm, colour and ornithology and also "Technique de mon langage musical".

Well, any help would be welcomed.

Best regards,