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Topic: More detail to a general music history -- esp repertoire of all instruments  (Read 1541 times)

Offline Bob

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Where do I go to find this?

I want to know more about the specifics.  Of composer's works, how much they wrote, the famous 'must know' pieces, what area, etc.  And by instrument.

That's not a general music history book.  It's not the standard college textbook though either. 

I'm not really interested in the history so much, but more in the works.  What's there?  What should I know? 

For example.... Haydn.  How many symphonies?  Which ones are most famous?  Mozart -- Is it 40 symphonies?  Or 44? 

Something like that must exist out there.  It wouldn't have to be a long book either.  It's kind of like more detail about their top creations.  And more information based rather than sound.

Any ideas?  I just want the information to plug into my brain.
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Offline Bob

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Or would this be in a standard music history book? 

Certainly New Groves, but I don't think I need that much detail.  I'm just looking for the basics, with more detail.

dates I suppose
significant pieces
"All" pieces that at least worth knowing of. 

Maybe that would be in a book and I could just strip the info out myself.  Or wikipedia....  If it is there, it would be pretty standard info.  If it's obscure, then who else would care about it much anyway?  Who could fault you much for not knowing something beyond the basics?

I think I'm looking to be able to rattle off a laundry list of that type of information about a composer.  But not just piano.  Everything.  Sticking more with jazz and classical, just a personal preference.
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Offline Bob

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And having the compositions listed by time in the composer's life and as a number count.  10 symphonies, 32 piano sonatas, 22 violin concerti, etc...
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Offline Bob

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Maybe wikipedia is it.


I'm glad I paid all that money for college now.  Haha.  (sigh)
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Offline Bob

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style, instruments they wrote for....

Their biographers....

Gets more detailed the more I think about it.
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Offline ptmidwest

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Sometimes books geared to younger readers have such a synopsis and include "the" representative works.   Try the public library in the kids section.

(Hi, Bob.  Good to read you.  Haven't been on for months, and the piano students here took over this username, I think.  How've you been and how're things going?  Counting the days to the end of the year again?)

Offline Bob

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Thanks.  Kids took your name?  You let students go on with your name?

Yes, counting the days.  I'm always counting the days.  Haha. 
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Offline pianochick93

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Well there was someone in chat a while ago, and whenever we mentioned a composer, he would start reciting all of his/her works.

It was annoying, but you might find him useful if you can find him, sorry I'm not good with remembering names.
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Offline mattgreenecomposer

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Groves, New Harvard or I'd Wikapedia it.
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Offline ptmidwest

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Bob, if you do put together a quite inclusive list of summaries, you could copyright it and publish it.  It could become the must-have referral book for music students and music majors!  You could be big, Bob!

(Yeah, the piano students here can go on under this name and see what's online from here.  They're supposed to limit the computer use to piano-related things, tho.)

Offline Bob

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Who says I'm not big already?  Haha.

Nah, I'd rather find the book by someone else who has already done this.  Although... putting something together myself... That would be some interaction with the material and I might absorb it a little bit that way.
Favorite new teacher quote -- "You found the only possible wrong answer."
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