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Topic: Favorite records?  (Read 1480 times)

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Favorite records?
on: July 12, 2008, 10:23:46 PM
What are you personal favorite records? Looking for some inspiration!
Here´s a few of mine.

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Re: Favorite records?
Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 01:24:28 AM
I have too many to mention but i'd like to name few pianists/albums that in my opinion is very underrated.

Claire Fischer-Alone Together
This is one of the most amazing jazz solo piano recording i've ever heard. His touch, his control of the instrument and his ability to create so much chromaticism and counterpoint into a simple standard like "everything happens to me".. I transcribed that solo and i am just in complete awe of what he has done.

Alan Broadbent-Personal Standards
Another pianists that i feel is bit underrated.

Tigran Hamasyan-World Passion
I've heard my teachers say that he is the next herbie hancock, i don't know whether that is ture, but he is exceptional young talent.  its interesting how he is fusing his Armenian roots into jazz, and its one reason to be excitied about what is happening to jazz right now

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Re: Favorite records?
Reply #2 on: July 15, 2008, 04:16:08 AM
I haven't heard much Piazzolla, but I've really enjoyed what I have heard.

I've come across a few recordings of Haydn Symphonies under Harnoncourt, and I like his interpretations better than any others I've heard, I seem to get the mood much clearer... Can't find the CD cover, but here's one of Harnoncourt looking crazy!


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