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Topic: Question about Naxos.com  (Read 1599 times)

Offline orlandopiano

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Question about Naxos.com
on: July 31, 2008, 05:14:40 PM
When you sign up for the yearly membership, are you able to download (and then burn to CD) their tracks, or are you only able to listen to them on the computer? Also, how is the audio quality? Is it cheap internet streaming quality, or more CD caliber?

Offline pianovirus

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Re: Question about Naxos.com
Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 07:31:51 AM
When you sign up for the yearly membership, are you able to download (and then burn to CD) their tracks

No, you are not allowed to burn to CD. I think that's fully understandable because it's the whole point of a subscription service that you only keep the music as long as you pay.

, or are you only able to listen to them on the computer? Also, how is the audio quality? Is it cheap internet streaming quality, or more CD caliber?

It's 64 kb/s in standard and 128 in premium subscription. The Napster subscription service allows you to download tracks which are 196 kbp/s. So the PRO for Napster is the better sound quality and maybe a more comprehensive catalogue (including Naxos, all the big labels, and many others - most notable miss for me is Hyperion). The CON with Napster is that even though there's a huge classical offering there, it's mainly targeted to pop/rock which you see immediately when you notice the lack of search support. Often there are inconsistent labelings where a composer is given as artist and so on. After a while you learn some tricks to find the album you want. But this is much much better with the Naxos service, which btw also has quite some other labels (e.g. Marco Polo).

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