It's not as messed up as a piece that John Cage wrote for organ, which is called As Slow As Possible. The piece lasts 639 years and has been playing for about 5 years. The sheet music is only a page, I think, so weights have to be pressed on the keys on the organ. My money is on John Cage for being the weirdest composer to ever live.
But I can almost understand the comment: Miss Whoozit is marrying a man who's dry as a cuckoo.
you should look at his sonatine bureaucratique. very weird instructions.
sans rougir en dedans (without your finger blushing)
That (wrong!) translation makes me roll on the floor laughing. Actually he says "without blushing inside". Sooo... painochick where's your finger?
Besides being a composer, Satie tried his hand at writing. His wonderful “A Mammal´s Notebook” is obligatory reading. Here is a bit:...and so on...