Don't be shocked that I only studied piano only for 4 years but I have a problem,My First piano piece with the word etude on it's title is Franz Liszt 'La Campanella'.It took me almost 3 months to finish it. The problem is that my weakness is about the chromatic styles that I cannot even execute it properly for the video in youtube that i wan't to displayAnd the second problem is that after I finish La Campanella. How am I supposed to look good on youtube and I have just reached 15 years old.The third problem is that I don't know what etude am I supposed to learn next.I have just been given a gift that is a book about Chopin etude opus 25.I wan't to be a concert pianist.Please Indicate what problem is that you are solving.
May I ask a few counter question?If you call a doctor and say you have a stomachache, how the doctor supposed to know what is wrong without seeing you, so without seeing and listening what is wrong with your chromatic scales, how can we know what is wrong there? If we don't know how you look in the present form, how we suppose to know how you suppose to look on youtube?If we don't know what are your strengths and weaknesses, how can we know what next etude for you to play?You see, we just don't have enough information to answer your questions properly.Nevertherless, I am sure you will get many advises here, but... (especially) considering you want to become a concert pianist I'd strongly suggest you to find a good teacher, who would address all of those.Best regards, M
I am good at memorizing and my being an idiot might have came from my Filipino ancestral blood.
I don't know who they'd have to breed with to get good musicality, though.
A German
why are you calling yourself an idiot? who's your piano teacher here in the Philippines do you even have a teacher?
What's with the race. I dont get it but Is it really relative that your ability to play the piano and your musicality is directly proportional to the ancestral blood.I would rather post the video of La Campanella in YouTube right away.By the way, My account is Boloysew.!COMING SOON!(Maybe Sept 15-30)
(I've heard UP Coll. of Music is very good.) I hope I'm not being bossy but I also suggest that you take more advance communication classes so you can articulate your ideas in a more decent manner.
sorry but sending videos is harder than I expected. can you help me how
There are few very good schools in this country. And I doubt a public school like UP is one of them.
I'm curious. Tell me, what makes it not good enough?
The problem is sometimes there are students who only prepare for the auditions and they don't know what it's like to study piano seriously in college.
Really...?The auditions are stringent enough; I don't think students are to blame. Granted, big universities like UP have entrance exams to weed out the less intelligent/ less talented. That is reality. Sheer preparation/ hard work will not make you pass, and even if you did, you'd be struggling all the time, trying to keep up with the best of the best. In this case, there is little to help you there. Transfer.
Yes really, we have a lot of piano majors who shifted already, because the exams are once a semester and you have to play at least a 30 minute program in front of the whole piano faculty and if you don't take the exam it's an automatic fail. some of them aren't able to cope with it.
So you think if they can't cope with it, it's their fault?? Automatic fail, you said. It means the school isn't willing to help people get better at what they do, instead they automatically fail anyone who cannot meet such stringent requirements. This is worse than I thought. Apparently "increasing the standard" means pretty much failing more students. That's insane! They should be helping the weakest students instead imo.Find me a school that can turn a "struggling student" into a "master of the instrument", a "failure" into a "success". THAT'S where I want to go.You are so typical skolar ng bayan; I have to admit I used to think that way too, when I was in a supposedly "good school".
I don't know, I just love playing the piano and my teacher is great. And i'm taking the diploma course which doesn't require so much academics.
What is traditional schooling? Why don't you like university life? What made it difficult?
Oh yeah I forgot, what's required for diploma course? This seems weird for me though since I've already got IC and a few college units. Starting all over again.
First of all, you don't need to take the UPCAT (whew)
First of all, you don't need to take the UPCAT (whew) you just have to pass the theory and solfege exam then after you pass that you can take the talent exam. And you can audition for at least, I think, 2 courses.
It is simply going to school like everyone else. Here there are 2-3 years pre-elementary, 6-7 years grade school, 4 years high school and 4-5 years college (unless it's medicine, law or... music...).
Lots of things. Come on, you know my story...
Isn't taking piano lessons traditional as well? Isn't mass high school educational program a more recent development? Each school, program and teacher have their own curriculum, teaching method, and philosophy. These curricula and methods are not constant. Aren't you generalizing a little too much? Besides, medicine, law, and music are far more traditional than you think. There are lots of researches being done in order to improve the system of education at different levels. Generalizing a diverse institution such as multi-level education into something simple like traditional education is too simplistic, IMO.
Are you referring to the fact that you failed university? What's that got to do with loonbohol's choice to enter the university? Why would you discourage him to apply to a top-tier university? Because you had lots of difficulties in it so you think he might have the same difficulties too? But don't we all have difficulties in our lives?Let him handle it. If he proves to be very talented, I'm sure the professors (or at least, someone) will make an effort to find him a scholarship in a conservatory abroad. As you know, top-tier universities have connections to a number of foreign institutions. If he cannot handle university life, then let his stay in the university be a humbling experience for someone like him.
The only thing I could say to you is this:I feel sorry for you.