I think there is also the factor performance quality, and musical depth that needs to be taken into account. How well do you play the repertoire. Chopets are good, I learned my first at 12. They build both technique and musical understanding. Have you considered other periods and composers? If you can play all of those etudes with some sufficient level of comfort you may be have the tools to explore 20th/21st century music.
Age 13 : Sonata no.14
What shoud I learn next?Am I enough to be called Virtuoso?
I play them very well..
Nice, another brag thread, i was already wondering when a new one would come.
Please, I think the OP is sincerely aking for advice here.
Yes , Tell me what to learn next. I'll take the challenge.
C major scale, 4 octaves, 29 notes. One second.If you can do this with a good even sound, you are good.
It is.If one can do this it shows they have the dexterity and technique to execute most pieces at good tempo with control.Sure, this kid can play the pieces, but this test will let us know how well, on an objecive technical level.
Scales and arpeggios alike should be ingrained in the hands of any pianist.It's IMPOSSIBLE to play any of the fast chopin etudes without being able to play fast scales and arpeggios.Assuming the pianist has memorized the c major scale...
My word is law.Go directly to jail, do not pass go.
Scales...!!!!! I am not that good.Now I am planning Transcendental Etude 5 (Fox Fellet)I read the musical notation and it is easier than I think.
Ok, first of all scales of very important in developing piano technique.
I sincerely wan't you to input what piano pieces have you played in the past five years and can you tell what is their skill in piano or others.Loonbohol : Age 15---My list---Age 10: Getrude's dream Waltz Cavalry gallop Song for AnnaAge 11: Chopin Etude Op.25 no.2 Chopin Etude Op.12 no.9 Chopin Etude Op.25 no.4Age 12 : Chopin Etude Op.10 no.3 (Tristesse) Chopin Etude Op.25 no.9 Chopin Etude Op.10 no.7Age 13 : Sonata no.14 Lizst Paganini Etude 5 (La Chasse) Lizst Paganini Etude 4Age 14: Chopin Etude Op.10 no.4 Chopin Etude Op.25 no.1 (Aeolian Harp) Chopin Etude Op.10 no.11Age 15(current) :Chopin Etude Op.10 no.12 (Revolutionary Etude) Lizst Paganini Etude no.3 ( La Campanella) Chopin Etude Op.25 no.11 (Winter wind) [currently learning]What shoud I learn next?Am I enough to be called Virtuoso?And others you may ask your questions of how good are you here.Just present your age tabulations and your performances
this makes me feel so inferioir especially since i'm quite alot older then you!!!
this makes me feel so inferioir especially since i'm quite alot older then you!!! i was not so fortunate to have a good teacher for many years and i just rebuilt my technique 5 yrs+ ago...anyway here's the list:
No need to feel inferior; you're miles away from loonbohol.A MOZART sonata (even if it's just 1st mvt) and BACH P and F in the first year?!?! This kind of progress is unheard of in our school. At least two years to get there. How was the Bach in particular? It's like you skipped entire books to do WTC so soon.
umm. those were the pieces that i was learning when i was rebuilding my technique. I actually started piano when i was 3 but never had a good teacher till i was 16 and even then we took 2 yrs to correct all of my bad habits etc. Before that actually I had never learnt Bach (except for the Prelude no.1 in c major and i the only mozart sonata i had worked on before was the sonata in C K 545. The Bach was very tough for me and the 1st yr with my canada teacher was like torture to me but it proved to be worth it.
amelialw, dont take people like the thread poster too seriously. His way of posting and that list indicates that he's more likely a wannabe in puberty than a supertalent. Dont worry
I started playing when I was 17½. When I was 18 I could play:Islamey (All keys) It really wasn't that difficult. I sight read it in 2 minutes.Waldstein/appassionata, at the same time. I accually play the waldstein with my left hand and Appassionata with my right. That's waaaay too easy, for someone like me. I THink people like Franz Liszt and Chopin would have problems with it, but I an much better than they were.All chopin-etudes+4871 variation I improvised while I slept.And some other noob pieces like all the Transcendental Etudes, and such.
HAHAHAHAHH!!!! Who is the idiot who said that this kid istn't bragging?!Sorry, but seriously?To think that this piece is easy, and tell everyone you do, is probably the worst case of bragging i've ever seen.AnywayI started playing when I was 17½. When I was 18 I could play:Islamey (All keys) It really wasn't that difficult. I sight read it in 2 minutes.Waldstein/appassionata, at the same time. I accually play the waldstein with my left hand and Appassionata with my right. That's waaaay too easy, for someone like me. I THink people like Franz Liszt and Chopin would have problems with it, but I an much better than they were.All chopin-etudes+4871 variation I improvised while I slept.And some other noob pieces like all the Transcendental Etudes, and such.How good am I, will I be the best pianist of all time? How well are you playing? Did you sight read La Campanella after 1 month playing as I did? I really don't want to brag, I just want to tell everyone how great I am.. Uhm, I mean... I want inspire other pianists I AM THE GREATEST PIANIST ALIVE!!! MUHAHAHAH!!!!!
I lack proficiency in piano playing