According to my mum, I was three years old when after listening to an episode of Z Cars, i toddled up to our recently delivered piano and gradually picked out the theme.I do not remember doing this, but that is when my parents decided to send me to piano lessons the following year.Thal
five-stringed tenor banjo.
No such instrument exists.Thal
The first time I made music was when I managed to wrap my head around rhythm
No such instrument exists.
Indeed, Monsieur Hinton is putting the finishing touches to the prototype as I write.
Do you recall what the circumstances of that were ? Was it in a lesson ? Was it by yourself ? Do you mind saying around what age that was ? And, how did you finally get to where you "wrapped your head around rhythm" ?Maybe this thread seems like merely a musing of mine, but it's not. I would really like to know if people generally discover how to make music while they are actually with their teachers, or somebody else, or alone, or whatever ! Thanks .
I wouldn't call it music, but we have a video of me when I was about 2 playing 'Twinkle Twinkle'I was basically just pressing random groups of keys with my fists, going up and down the piano as I pleased.
Oh, right almost forgot. I started played my first instrument in fourth grade. It was a bass clarinet so I already had some understanding of music when I started piano.