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Topic: First decent choice I've made in my life.  (Read 1414 times)

Offline nanabush

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First decent choice I've made in my life.
on: January 30, 2009, 03:41:59 AM
I'm auditioning for the music department at University of Ottawa in March!  Two years of 'Joint honours in economics and politics' made me want to gouge my eyes out.  My music teacher finally made me realize that I have a good shot at getting accepted, and I'm already finishing up enough stuff to make up a good audition rep.  I kept telling myself I'd audition back in high school, it's just that my 'elite' friends in biomed and engineering made music seem like a waste so I passed up the opportunity. 

Anyone have something similar happen to them?  A hammer hit on the head telling you that you're clearly in the wrong uni. program?
Interested in discussing:

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