Piano Forum

Topic: Transcription  (Read 1389 times)

Offline zukimaten

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on: January 30, 2009, 11:56:44 AM
Hey fellowforumers

My request is quite simple; i need someone who can make a transcription from a mp3. I think it is a rather hard task, at least myself and everyone i know are unable to do it. I thought i would give the forum a go, since this is the only place i know where there might be someone who are able to do it.

The tune is a bit jazzy and from a more or less unknown danish band, so its very unlikely to be able to actually find a score for it - and i have tried.

If you write a email adress in the thread i will send you the file.

The only reward i can offer is eternal glory and my humble gratitude.

Cheers and good luck (if anyone is actually gonna try)