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Topic: Pianoforum IRC channel  (Read 3613 times)

Offline nerd

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Pianoforum IRC channel
on: June 24, 2004, 06:56:33 PM
Hi! I've created an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) room/channel for pianoforum on AfterNET.

For those familiar with IRC:
- Address: irc.afternet.org
- Port: 6667
- Channel: #pianoforum.net

For those not familiar with IRC I'll give three options to get started.

Use the AfterNET Java IRC client
For this you'll need a Java-enabled web browser (not only JavaScript). If you don't know about your browser you can just give it a try. If the browser doesn't support Java or you don't have a Java RTE installed, it simply wont work...
1. Go to https://www.afternet.org/
2. On the left there's a "Main Menu". Click on "Chat Now"
3. Wait until the applet loads and connects and such (it's ready when it shows some green text)
4. Enter the following commands to the input box:
/join #pianoforum.net
/nick your_nickname

Use Opera
The newest Opera (7.5) has an integrated IRC client. You can download Opera at https://www.opera.com/. It's free.
1. After you've got Opera running go to "Chat->New Account"
2. Enter the asked information (doesn't have to be real). Click "Next"
3. Enter your nick. Click "Next"
4. Type AfterNET. Click "Finish"
5. Right-click "AfterNET" and select "Properties"
6. Go to "Servers" -tab.
- Server: irc.afternet.org
- Port: 6667
7. Click "OK" and "Close"
8. Go to "Chat->New Room".
- Account: AfterNET
- Room: #pianoforum.net
9. Click "OK"
I had some problems with the last two steps (nothing seemed to happen). Try it a few times, maybe restart Opera... Eventually it should connect.

You can use the last two steps to join the room next time or use the panel (opens with F4). In the panel you select "Chat" and then the Server & room you want to join.

Use a separate IRC client
These instructions are for HydraIRC (which I think is Windows-only). You can get it here (for free): https://www.hydrairc.com/. Go to "Downloads", scroll down to "Binaries" and select "HydraIRC.exe".

Here's how you set it up (after you've installed it):
1. First it asks you to create identities. Do that. In the Preferences dialog, click on "New" and fill in the information. It's enough to fill the four topmost entries. Click on "Add" to add your nickname to the list. Then "OK" and "OK".
2. Go to File->New Server
3. Click "Add Network", type "AfterNET" and click "OK"
4. Click "Add Server"
- Description: Random server
- Address/Port: irc.afternet.org, 6667
- Network: AfterNET
5. Click "OK" and "OK"
6. After a while the window should fill with red text. Now enter the following command: /join #pianoforum.net

When you want to join the next time select "File->Connect" (or press Ctrl+S) and then "AfterNET->irc.afternet.org" and "OK". When it's ready, enter: /join #pianoforum.net
DDN 8)